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Part 7

As soon as they were dropped off at Nathan's house- or well, their house now. Y/N let out a breath she hadn't even realized that she was holding. Her stress seemed to fall off her shoulders as she sat down on the couch and took a second to relax.

Nathan closed the door, promising that they would come over for dinner the night before they were set to go back home. They had to visit Y/N's family the next day, so for the rest of the night they just wanted to relax.

"Jesus- that certainly could have gone better." Nathan frowned, walking to the couch and laying down between Y/N's legs. He took her feet onto his lap and started rubbing them- knowing how much she liked it.

It earned a relaxed groan from his wife which he smirked at.

"Yes but it also could have gone a lot worse." Y/N realized. They were lucky to have the situation end the way it did.

They would have plenty of issues in the future, so they shouldn't sweat these small things.

The trip to nova Scotia was certainly eventful, between meeting with Nathan's family and telling them the news and then telling Y/N's family- the woman had seen her fair share of relatives for the next few months. She was ready to go home.

That was exactly what Denver had become to her, when she moved there with Nathan after the draft- she had made a life for herself there, and while it changed the second her and Nathan became a couple- she never wanted to leave it behind. She loved her career and she loved Nathan, and she loved the baby they were about to have more than anything.

But before they could leave, Nathan's mother and Y/N's mother had put together a small party of sorts. It was nothing too fancy- just a chance to bring the two families together as one and appreciate the life that would soon be coming into the world.

Dressed in a nice blue dress, Y/N stood at the firepit surrounded by her friends and family- they had told everyone that it was going to be a boy, and she was thrilled. Names were being thrown left and right at them and they had yet to find one that they liked.

Nathan was doing his rounds, talking to people here and there about the season and his life and his new family- he was happy, but he knew that they would have to leave soon in order to head back to the airport so they could go home.

He found a second to steal Y/N from the crowd- the two of them heading down to the dock that was attached to his back yard. Over looking grand lake, they really did have a beautiful property and it would be a lovely place to raise their son in the off season.

Wrapping his arms around Y/N, the man smiled softly. The two of them staring out at the water as the sun began to set. A soft warm gleam springing upon the still body of water. "I thought of a name." nathan whispered in her ear happily.

Swaying with her in his arms, he pressed his hands to her growing belly and felt his heart ache- he loved her so much and her being pregnant just strengthened that.

Y/N giggled softly. "Please- do tell... I've probably already heard it today." she teased, poking fun at all their relatives that have been putting their two cents in throughout the party.

Nathan let out a heavy breath. "Finn." he told her,

The woman's eyebrow quirked. She hadn't heard that name. But it just sounded right. It felt soft and manly at the same time- full of sensitivity and personality.. It was perfect.

"Finn MacKinnon...." she rolled the name off her tongue, giving it a test drive. "Finny...." she played with some nicknames, giggling softly.

"It's perfect."

Nathan looked out over the water, his mind falling into a fantasy as he thought about all the things that he would get to experience he was a father- the pain, the heart ache, the excitement, he was nervous and ready for it all.

As long as he had Y/N by his side he knew that they could do no wrong. They were going to be fantastic parents and he was sure of it.

Because he had started his life with Y/N by his side, and he would end it with her too. From cradle to grave, they were bonded by love. 

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