Englische Sprüche

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Sometimes life is about risking everything for a dream no one can see but you.

Sometimes you miss the memories, not the person.

Don't scream, don't cry, just enjoy the pain.

Never forget it is a good life!

I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work.

Sometimes you have to do whats best for you and your life, not whats best for everybody else.

Somebody asked me how long I planned on keeping you in my life. I smiled and said: How do I choose between forever and always?

Life is not about finding yourself, it is about creating yourself.

Nobody's perfect, but you are perfect to me!

When I'm thinking of you, I hope you do it too.

Pain is temporary, pride is forever!

Sometimes there is no next time, no second chance, no time out. Sometimes it is now or never.

Isn't it funny how day by day nothing changes, but when you look back, everything is different...

Dance like nobody´s watching. Love like you´ve never been hurt. Sing like nobody´s listening. Live like it´s heaven on earth

Love me or Hate me, but don't try to change me!

What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!

Don't think you are, know you are.

For the world, you are somebody, but for somebody you are the world.

Listen to your heart!

You can close your eyes of something you don't want to see, but you can't close your heart of something you don't want to feel.

Never run faster than your angle can fly.

There is nothing more amazing than being yourself

When nothing goes right - go left!

People wait all week for Friday. All year for summer. All life for happiness.

It´s never too late to make things right!

Wish you were Beer.

Stop wishing, Start Doing!

Don´t wait for the right person to come into your life. Make yourself the right person to walk into someone else´s life.

Life and Love can be easy when you take it easy.

The day I will stop loving you, is the day i will close my eyes forever!

Chocolate doesn't ask silly questions. Chocolate understands.

Running away from your problems is a race you'll never win.

The first time you fall in love, will change your life forever, and no matter how hard you try, the feeling never goes away.

Some people feel the rain - others just get wet.

When you fly like a bird, dream you dream more love and love what you want.

Love is like a war it's easy to beginn, hard to end and never to forget.

All good things come to an end!

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

Laugh as much as you breath and love as long as you live.

Forgive but don't forget.

The road to success is always under construction.

Collect moments not things.

If you don't do anything stupid when you're young, you won't remember something funny when you're old.

Nobody is perfect!

Don't tell me the sky is the limit when there are footprints on the moon!

Pain is temporary, glory is forever!

Someday is not a day of the week.

Wise men learn by other men’s mistakes, fools by their own.

If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen.

The person who knows how will always have a job. The person who knows why will always be his boss.

The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.

Business? That’s very simple: it’s other people’s money.

If you can dream it, you can do it.

Falling in Love is like jumping off a really tall building; your head tells you "Idiot you´re gonna die" but your heart tells you "don´t worry pretty girl you can fly"

Life isn´t about waiting for the storm to pass...it´s about learning to dance in the rain.

You never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have.


Lösung vom letzten Kapitel:

1. Da immer das schwarze Kügelchen gezogen wurde, musste er davon ausgehen, dass tatsächlich beide schwarz waren, wodurch er gar keine Chance hatte, das weiße zu ziehen. Er zog daher eines der Kügelchen und verschluckte es schnell, bevor jemand die Farbe sehen konnte. Somit konnte man nur nachschauen, welches Kügelchen noch in der Schatulle war, und dieses war natürlich schwarz. Die gezogene Kugel musste somit die weiße gewesen sein. Der König konnte nun auch nicht sagen, dass die andere Kugel ebenfalls schwarz war, denn damit hätte er sich ja selbst verraten.

2. Peter natürlich!

3. Es ist die Schloßallee im Monopoly-Spiel.

4. Gemeint ist das Fenster, was sonst?

5. Sauhund

6. Zwei Mal. Er hatte nur zwei Würmer.

7. Der Mount Everest war auch schon der höchste Berg bevor er entdeckt wurde.

8. Er gab dem Fahrer einen Euro in Kleingeld.

9. Der Buchstabe "M".

10. Nein, das ist keine Verarschung! Das Rätsel ist wirklich lösbar. Wenn man Anhand der Angaben das Alter von Silvia ausrechnet, dann stellt man fest, dass Silvia erst in 9 Monaten geboren wird. Somit findet gerade erst die Zeugung statt. Das heißt: Der Vater befindet sich gerade auf der Mutter.


Ich hoffe euch gefallen die Sprüche und ihr hattet im letzten Kapitel viel Spaß beim Rätseln ;)


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