Aboard the Wrong Ship

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1st POV, Setsuka

"Well this freaking blows..." I thought to myself as I mentally beat myself up for this situation I somehow or another put myself in. "I swear once Leon finds out I'll never hear the end of it from him..." I brood to myself as I ran a hand over my Pokeballs trying to comfort myself. My Mightyena, Mukuro, and my Award-winning shiny Furfrou, Junko, walked on either side of me, watching our surroundings.

What were the chances that I would end up on the wrong boat to go to Sinnoh for vacation? Instead it would appear we are set sail to a place called the Duelist Kingdom...

How I ended up on the wrong ocean liner beats the Reverse World out of me... And I have been in many bizarre situations.

But I'm straying from the point here...

I'm Setsuka. Setsuka Chiebukuro. I'm a Pokemon trainer. S-class rank.

I go by many titles. One of them being the Pokemon Multi regional champion. In Unova, I'm the Dragon Rider of Truth. In Kalos I'm the Battle Chateau King (King, not Queen). In Alola and the Orange Islands I'm better known as the Archipelago Angel. In the Hoenn and Sinnoh regions I'm the Contest Queen and the Battle Facility Conquistador. In Kanto I'm the Battle Frontier Maestro. In Johto I'm the Silver Hero and the Golden Sovereign. Finally, in Galar, I'm known as the Knight.

As for what I'm doing here, well...

Long story short, after the Eternatus Incident, then consequently spending some time in the dojo of my Pops in the Isle of Armor, and then going on a few expeditions in the Crown Tundra with Peony and his daughter Peonia (better known as Nia) involving Calyrex, the Galarian Bird trio and then hunting the plethora of Regi Pokemon (including the newly discovered Regieleki and Regidrago), I figured it was well past time I get a relaxing vacation before I participated in the Galar Stars Tournament.

My plan was to go to my lovely private villa in Sinnoh in the Resort Area and perhaps kill some time exploring a few of their mountains or maybe pay Candace and Maylene a visit and have a few friendly sparring sessions. Heck I was ready to ping Cynthia to do a few exhibition matches for the upcoming Sinnoh League participants. Maybe even grab some good ole soft serve ice cream together, just like we did when we ran into each other at Unova.

However, thanks to a mix up when transferring onto another ocean liner, my plans for a little R & R were kinda crushed.

Yeah Leon is going to have a riot over this...

Third Person POV

Setsuka's attention was soon turned as she heard indignant yells a few yards away.

Mukuro and Furfrou's ears rose slightly at the noise..

Curiosity getting the best of her, she went into the direction of the loud voices just in time to see a baby faced boy that reminded Setsuka of a baby Pancham with odd tricolor star shaped hair jump overboard for what seemed like some cards that were tossed into the ocean.

Thinking quickly she brought out two Pokeballs, one containing her shiny Primarina, Tsumugi, the other containing her shiny Gorebyss, Angie.

"Quickly!" She commanded them, releasing them from their capsules. "Save him and retrieve whatever he's after!"

Quickly following her orders, the two beautiful Pokemon dived into the water, Tsumugi going after the human baby Pancham and Angie going for whatever was tossed overboard.

Only for a blonde guy to jump right after them, making Setsuka facepalm. "Is this some new fad or something?! Cuz everybody seems to enjoy throwing themselves overboard!" She shouted drawing a few onlookers attention before she sent out her Floatzel, Yuta to save the other guy.

"Who is that chick?!" One person asked.

"Wasn't she the one who pulled out a giant green monster earlier?!"

"Hey!" Setsuka thought indignantly at the way the insulted her gentle giant of a Tyranitar. "Gonta is not a monster!! He's a sweetheart!" Then she internally hit herself upside the head. "Now's not the time! There are more important things to deal with!"

"Go Yuta!" Setsuka commanded her serpentine Pokemon. "Go save the blonde guy!" With a nod the orange weasel Pokemon jumped into the water after the tall teen.

"I hope this goes okay...." Setsuka thought to herself with concern, clutching the Master Ball on her necklace.

Yeah whoop! Sorry to decide to end this one early but I'm kinda running out of steam so here you go.

As much as I hate the idea but I better watch the anime to do this accurately.

Hopefully you guys enjoyed this! Please let me know what you think!

Also I don't own Setsuka Chiebukuro, that honor belongs to the people behind the Fanganronpa known as Super Danganronpa Another 2 and all parties responsible for that saga.

This is the ArtVampire signing off!

Ja ne!!

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