Enter the Duelist Kingdom

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Note: I changed Galarian Rapidash's nickname to Hiroko and (re)inserted a Milotic in Setsuka's team and nicknamed her Miu. That is all. Enjoy Reading...

Third Person POV Setsuka's POV

"I see," the bluenette responded after hearing Yugi's side of things, with Joey and Tristan occassionally chipping in with their own comments, and what they were doing.

"So your grandpa is being held hostage," she pointed at Yugi who nodded in confirmation, before turning to Joey, " and you need the cash to get your sister the surgery she needs for her eyesight."

Joey looked down at the mention of his sister Serenity. "Yeah...."

Setsuka found herself a bit envious of Joey's sister, if only for having such a devoted big brother. "Why couldn't mine be like that?" She thought with a bit of melancholy.

Shaking it off, she looked at the group, smiling at how they interact with one another.

"So, Setsuka," she nearly jumped out of her skin when Yugi sat next to her. "What do you plan to do when the ship docks at the Duelist Kingdom."

That made Setsuka pause; she hadn't thought that far ahead, and she had been plenty distracted by the new things she had been learning as of today.

"Not sure..." She opted to be truthful. "Though I can tell you one thing, I am not gonna hang around out on this liner. I have a sneaking feeling something bad will happen if I did... Especially after what you guys told me about this Pegasus guy..."

Tea nodded. "Good point." She seemed to get an idea. "How about you come and stick with us?"

This stunned the bluenette. "Wait, really?! I mean, are you sure?! I don't wanna drag you down or anything-"

"C'mon, we insist," Joey was next to her now. "And we can't chance you getting lost on that place!"

"Yeah!" Tristan added. "What if Pegasus or one of his goons find you? What then?"

"You're best bet is staying by us!" Yugi said, extra concerned for the girl, even if he can't totally discern the reason. "We don't leave a friend behind!"

Setsuka blinked before her eyes became moist. "You're all so kind...."

"C'mere! Group hug!" Tea exclaimed before everyone brought it in, trapping the blue-haired girl in their embrace.

"Thank you..." Setsuka muttered as she tried to keep the tears at bay.

"Your welcome...."

Setsuka nearly jumped out of their hold when she heard a deep voice echo through her mind. It almost sounded like it came from Yugi judging from what direction it came. But that's impossible isn't it? No way did the baby Pancham just changed his voice like he just now hit puberty...


Her mind was taken off of the matter when Tea asked her a question as they all released her from the hug.

"So... what's your story, Setsuka?"

Setsuka looked at her with confusion. "What do you mean? I told you guys how I ended up here..."

"No, no, no," Tea shook her head. "What I mean is, what do you do? Any hobbies, likes, dislikes, any boyfriend waiting for you at home?" The last one was a sort of a jab at the boys in the room, which two of three of them took umbrage while the remainer just blushed at Tea's implications.

"Heyyy," Joey glowered at Tea, who only smirked back. "You trying to start somethin', Gardner?"

"Nope," she smiled a little too innocently, "just getting to know our new friend here."

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