Meeting the Baby Pancham Gang

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(A/N: I changed a few things on Setsuka's Pokemon roster, please go check the first entry to see)

1st Person POV, Setsuka

"Good boy, Yuta," I praised the Water-type as he came back onto the deck with the blonde teen in his furry paws. "You too, Angie," I added to the shiny Gorebyss.

"Floatzel-float~" the evolved version of Buizel preened under the praise, making me chuckle at his indulgently. He's probably one of my more prideful Pokemon. Angie just chirped at me before she dove back into the water, no doubt because the water felt fantastic to the different colored South Sea Pokemon.

"Now we just wait for Tsumugi to return," I added, getting the blonde onto his back before I began to perform CPR on him. "Come on, dude, I know you are in there," I said, as I started doing chest compressions, ignoring the growing crowd around me as they heard a lot of noise and came to see what was going on.

The blonde suddenly shot up right, coughing out water onto the deck. "Man, that sucked..." he groaned out.

"No kidding," I said getting his attention.

He turned a bit red seeing me. "Uh uh guh..." he babbled senselessly.

I paid no heed to him as I then quickly turned to his shorter friend with the funky tri-colored hair and weird pyramid necklace. "Reminds me of N and his fashion sense. Oh well who am I to judge." "Okay, little buddy, your turn." I said aloud and then proceeded to do mouth-to-mouth with the baby human Pancham, unknowingly making several people blush with either envy or shock, and my Furfrou smirk at me with unholiness.

POV Switch, Yugi Moto (with a side of the Pharaoh)

I felt myself sinking like a rock when I jumped after Joey into the ocean to retrieve my Exodia cards that jerk Weevil threw overboard. I didn't want one of my best friends to get hurt much less die, so I jumped in without thinking of the consequences, my mind set on saving Joey, the Exodia cards be darned (A/N: I'm sorry, I can't seem to get myself to type Yugi Moto cursing in this story unless it is the Pharaoh. He's just that innocent in my eyes).

Unfortunately, swimming is not my strongest suit, as it did not take long for the current to overtake the both of us. As I began to sink into the salty water, the last thing I saw was an odd yet very beautiful seal-like creature that looked similar to a mermaid swimming towards me. I briefly wondered if it was going to eat me, but something told me that was not the case. Then I caught sight of two more creatures, one serpentine like creature, only this one had what I guessed were seashells and was a yellow or gold color; the other looked like a cross between a lifeguard and an otter. What struck me as odd was that the seal-like creature seemed to be holding a few things in its mouth... three rectangular objects.... "Wait a minute!" I thought with a bolt of shock. "I recognize them... those are my cards!!!" I had no time to react as darkness then overtook my senses, a familiar yet odd male voice shouting at me in what could be concern from within my head.

When I came to, I instantly sat up throwing up water that seemed to have gotten in my lungs, coughing harshly. I felt strong pats to my back as someone helped me sit up properly.

"Easy there, pal." A sweet female voice piped up close to me. Turning, I felt heat rush to my cheeks as I made eye contact with a beautiful light blue haired girl. She had short hair with some bangs covering one of her eyes, and part of her hair was pinned up in what looked like a billiards ball hair clip. She also wore a trench coat outfit, which struck me slightly odd, though I did glimpse a bit of her outfit underneath. I wondered how she is not boiling in that thing when I looked her in the eyes, or eye, since the other one was covered by her hair, and... oh my they are so pretty...!

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