A few weeks later

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It's been a few weeks now and I'm so excited! I finally figured out how to get my own Skeleton body and take the apples and just hide them within me!

And that probably sounded so weird, whoops, but oh well. But It made me so happy the first time I was able to hold my kids in my arms the first time around.

Though unfortunately I have yet to decide a name for myself. I wanted something similar to nightmare and dreams name..though it might take me a while to decide.. I thought and was currently hugging my two adorable kids in my arms with a smile.

I'll have to think of one sooner or later, also... I realized something...I was as big as my tree self! Like holy flip! I'm so flipping tall! I wondered how did that happen? I thought feeling curious about it and I watched as little Dream and nightmare hug each other happily.

I shall protect them forever, my adorable kids. They are very adorable, and I'm very happy to be their parent.

But in this life? I'll have to think about it, should I be their mom? Or dad? Do trees have genders? Hmm I'll have to look over my skeleton body again, I don't think skeletons even have a gender but they prefer to be called one of the genders or not to help the others? I think.... I don't really know but I'll find out sooner or later.

I thought and cuddled with my kids who happily hugged me.

"You two are so adorable..my children...Dream and nightmare..." I told them happily and they gave me a smile.

Dream giggled as he hugged his mom and brother to himself.

Nightmare smiled as he was being hugged by Dream and mom.

They were all content with just doing this.

I chuckled a bit at this, ah my adorable kids, I shall forever protect you and won't just watch things happen. I thought, determined to keep my kids safe and blinked as a star appeared.

I reached over and touch it and-


I blinked, ohhh...wait I can save? And I have determination? Uh very strange, I'll have a look at my soul later when my kids are asleep... wait.. do I even have a soul? Or would it be like that one comic with call you mine? I thought and decided, now would be perfect time to check. I thought and tried to summon my soul and my kids watched with a curious look.

I stared with shock, wait...I have a monster and a human soul? And...my ghostly self? Uh like the call you mine part...which is a bit Weird...to think about it..."strange...when did I gain a human soul?" I spoke out loud and looked closer, this must have been my human soul before I died..

So I must have been a Determined one, I thought, well I was always pretty determined in my last life, but I didn't know it was enough for my soul to be a determined one as well.

It was enough for me to be able to save and reset, I thought with delight. Now if anything happens to my kids, I can always reset. I will not reset unless something happened, something that is enough for me to reset, otherwise I'll just save every now and then.

I thought and de summoned my souls that went back to its spot.

"Mama! What soul?" Little nightmare asked and Dream looked at me curiously.

I looked down at them, "ah, what you just saw was a monster and a human soul together. I honestly don't know where the human soul came from though... and you might have seen my true form if you saw the small spirit thing.." I told them and explained a few things and all to them.

Nightmare looked pretty curious, "hmm mama! Body?"

I blinked and then I realized something..wait he called me mama? Oh...hehe oh well, I guess I'm their mom then.

"As for our current bodies, it's to help protect our real ones that can't really live without a body, it's mostly to protect ourselves though since we can live without a body but we are more vulnerable." I stated and explained a bit more to them.

Dream and nightmare paid rapid attention to what their mom was telling them, it was Important after all.

They nodded as they listened to their mama talk to them about some things as well.

Their eyes narrowed a bit, stranger danger? Hmm they didn't know what that meant but they were supposed to either yell rape, or stranger danger and run to their mom if they met anyone who wants to take them somewhere.

They nodded, "ok mama!" They responded and gave their mama a big smile.

I smiled back, pleased, mostly because I'm unsure if they were every taught stranger danger. Well now they know and can use it anytime if they meet a stranger who wants to take them somewhere.

I thought and cuddled my kids again, even if they forget what I told them now, I'll tell them again when they are older, especially with what I already told them with stranger danger and all.

I thought and pulled them a bit closer but very gently.

I sat against another tree, since my tree disappears when I'm in my monster form. Which is a relief since I now didn't have to worry about my tree self anymore.

I now have to focus on getting stronger to protect my kids and all that. I thought, determined to protect those that I care about.

And unknown to them at the time, they were in a different multiverse, and they were the original tree of feelings in the original dreamtale, which affected any other dreamtale aus or copies within that multiverse.

And later on when other multiverses visit, the dreamtale brothers will be in for a surprise to seeing this multiverse.

Done with 1012 words, I have no ideas right now so it's going to take me some weeks to think and even update this story again.

Hope you like and comment what you think.

Ja ne~!


Also help me decide for what multiverse and what they are like that will be visiting this multiverse when the dreamtale brothers are a lot older.

Reborn as the tree of feelingsWhere stories live. Discover now