A bit Older...

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It's been some years since then, and my kids were now about seven years old physically, not so much mentally just yet, and they were still adorable, but I do miss when they said a word wrong cause it was adorable but it's fine.

They were still very adorable in my eyes anyways.

Sure their bodies look about seven but their not exactly seven mentally considering how we are aging slower and all.

I was now finally settling down a bit to nap in my tree form and leave my kids to play around me, they know better then to trust anyone or move to far from my tree form.

So I can trust them to play around me or even just nap nearby, and if they do wander off, the other trees will alert me, so it was all good and fine. That's what I thought anyways while I slept.

Meanwhile with the kids who were currently playing tag and throw the body away.

Nightmare giggles excitedly as he spots Dream trying to find him, this was a good game! Their mama taught them it. Though they were allowed to throw each other as long as they were careful to not hurt the other in games like this, it was still very fun!

Especially when either one catches the other and flips them over their shoulder gently! Their mom taught them how to do it gently with each other, so instead of what they normally do with the weird things that their mama has them flip.

With each other, they carefully and slowly flip them over the shoulder and keep their hand against each other's back and made sure they don't crash into the ground painfully.

But either way, their mama made sure the ground was softer for them when they played. So even if one or the other did it harder on accident, it wouldn't hurt.

Which made it funnier! Nightmare thought slowly sneaking away from Dream before his brother caught sight of him and let out a giggle as he raced towards nightmare who let out a Yelp from getting seen and took off running, aware to stay close to where their mama was resting.

Dream let out giggles as he ran after nightmare, excited at spotting his brother.

"Nightyyyyyyy come backkkkkkkk!" Dream whined a bit as he ran after nightmare, slowly catching up.

"Neverrrrrrrr! Your never catch me aliveeeeee!" Nightmare yelled back as he rushed away before he felt Dream tackle him and gently flip him over his shoulder.

Nightmare let out a small Yelp and then a giggle at that.

"Ok ok, that was fun! Can we go take a nap now?" Nightmare asked Dream who perked up.

"Sleep next to mama!" Dream raced back to where their mother was and nightmare followed close behind before Dream suddenly stopped and nightmare almost ran into him.

"Dream? Why did you stopppp??" Nightmare asked with a small pout and Dream didn't answer.

Nightmare blinked and titled his head to look over dreams shoulder and paused, what's that?

Nightmare wondered with a curious look but also wary.

Dream stared at..whatever it was that was in front of him, maybe they should go get their mom...this isn't something they know how to deal with anyways...

But before they could move something fall through, or more like..quite a few someone's...

Finished with 732 I wanted to conitue but I didn't have enough Dream and nightmares I wanted to get involved in this chapter or soon anyways.

So I was thinking either it be some sans and papyrus or maybe it's the nightmares and dreams for other multiverses. I'm not sure yet.

I'll wait and decide.

Ja ne~!

Dream, nightmare

Multiverses that will come at some point-

Original Dream/dawn, nightmare/dusk

Dreamswap Dream/solor, Nightmare/lunar

Swad Dream/blaze, nightmare/chill

Shattered Dream/shattered, nightmare/moonlight

FGod Dream/lucid, nightmare/nox  (forced god of destruction)

Any other dreams and nightmares. I don't know all of them though. So there may be a few I don't include

But I'll at least look and see if I can include them or not.

Also yes, they will be aging slowly and all, so if they were to say, 30 years old, they will still be about 5 years old.

Or something like that I'm not that great when it comes down to slowly the age and actually being able to say how long they will live for etc

Just know they age slowly but their skeleton bodies age a bit normally but also slow or something idk yet

They just age slowly kinda in sink with the resets outside their au kinda thing


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