May 28th

52 0 0

    Light peeked through the curtains, illuminating Scooter's face, which wrinkled up in slight distress. She rolled over to hide her face. Her eyelids cracked open, allowing the lit up room to remind her she needed to get up. With a grumble, she sat up. I don't want to go to school... She shook her head. It's Friday, tomorrow you don't have to wake up early for school, that brought a smile.

    She dragged herself out of bed, spending a few minutes sitting on the ground, refusing to stand. When she finally got herself up and dressed, she headed downstairs for breakfast. Her nose raised into the air when she could smell the warming scent of bacon.

    "I smell man's reason to wake up in the morning!" She exclaimed as she raced down the stairs and into the kitchen, grabbing the door frame as she watched her dad flip the meat on the pan.

    "You always smell meat," Tim mentioned, rolling his eyes with a laugh.

    "Well, yeah, 'cause meat is good!" Scooter walked to the fridge, pulling a soda can out before sitting at the table. Toby soon wandered in, his hair had fluffed up, and tangled during the night. He looked around for a moment before his eyes caught on the tan fabric that engulfed his sister.

    "Nice hoodie," he grumbled, "Do you ever wear your own clothes?"

    "If you didn't want me to take it, you shouldn't have left it on the couch!" Scooter giggled, hiding her limbs within the oversized hoodie. "Also I have no clean clothes."

    "Didn't dad just do laundry on Wednesday?"

    "Yeah, but I forgot to give him my dirty clothes." Scooter gave a shrug

    "Yeah, they seem to still be scattered all over your floor, Scooter. Which reminds me, you need to tidy up your room before Monday." Tim spoke up with a grin.

    "Awe dad!" Scooter groaned, a playful glint in her eyes proved her to be joking.

    "Oh shush, c'mon, eat." Tim brought the food to his kids plates, watching them instantly gobble it up as though they were being starved. He shook his head with a chuckle, waiting for Brian to come in before he started his own food.

    When it was time to head off to school, Scooter grabbed her backpack and was about to walk out the door, but Toby caught up to her and placed a hand on her shoulder

    "I'll walk you- I just wanna get out of the house." Toby shrugged, following her out of the house after she gave him a nod. This wasn't uncommon, Toby was homeschooled so he didn't get out of the house much. So Scooter would let him walk her.

    They began on their small journey to the school. Helton High, a high school known for its wrestling team and Its theater program. Scooter wasn't a wrestler, as much as she liked sports. She would usually get too competitive. She was in a few of the plays, though. Not as an actor, or anything. She was on crew for any shows she helped out in. Her favorite thing was building the set and painting. Occasionally she would be placed on other crews, but she would always find some way to go back in and help with building.

    It only took around ten minutes before Scooter and Toby were standing in front of the school. Scooter gave her brother a quick hug, which he pretended to be disgusted by.

    "Bye Tobs'!" Scooter waved as she ran off into the school.

    "Bye Scoots, be safe."

    Scooter headed to her regular spot in the morning, which was in the hallway of her and her friends first period. They all had Geometry in the morning. Over the next 10 minutes, her friends showed up one by one.

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