June 13th

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    Scooter's eyes fluttered open, instead of dark, dreary walls, there was clean, polished wood in front of her. She blinked in confusion, slowly sitting up, looking around to make sure she was seeing correctly. What happened last night? Didn't I fall? Who was that person I saw? The infinite questions swirling through her head made it ache. She rubbed her head and stumbled up, going to her bathroom, making sure to not alert anyone. She closed the door and looked at herself in the mirror, brushing her fingers through her bangs to push the hair away. There was definitely a bump high on her forehead, proving that what had happened the night before was not a dream. Quickly, Scooter brushed her hair over the dark amethyst-colored bruise that was dawned on her head, hiding it pretty well.

    She got herself dressed in a tank top and some jean shorts, before rushing downstairs to the kitchen. Tim and Brian were off at work already, while Toby was sleeping in. She grabbed herself a muffin, stuffing it in her mouth before running back upstairs to her room. She pulled her phone off the charger violently, quickly going through her contacts before finding Emily's. She hit "call" and put it on speaker, anxiously eating the muffin she had grabbed. The phone rang, but nobody answered. She called again, and after the third ring, Emily answered.

    "...Hello?" Emily's groggy voice came out through the phone.

    "Hey Emily-" Scooter bounced her leg, nibbling on her food.

    "Scooter do you realize it's-" Emily stopped talking to check her phone, "It's 8 in the morning. What the hell, dude."

    "I know- I know! I just... Please, can you come over? I really need to talk to you..."

    "...Fine, but you owe me. I'll be there soon." With that, Emily hung up.

    Scooter sighed in relief, finishing her breakfast before getting up and running downstairs, sitting on the couch while she waited for her best friend. During that time, Toby woke up as well and got himself some pancakes. He came out with his plate and syrup, glancing at Scooter.

    "Remember, Jack's sleeping over, Scoots'." He plopped down beside her, placing the plate and syrup on the coffee table. Grabbing the remote, he placed his other hand on her head, patting it, before letting his hand just lay limply over her face, covering her vision from the TV.

    "Tobyyy!" Scooter whined, trying to push his arm away, but he was stronger. He laughed as she tried her best to get out from under his arm. He watched TV while she wiggled around. The sound of the doorbell ringing pulled them from their current activity. Toby almost instantly dropped his arm from her head, his face going straight as he stared at the TV.

    "Someone's at the door." He grinned at her, before instantly going back to his blank face. Scooter huffed and shook her head, getting up and running over to the door. Opening it, she saw both Jack and Emily.

    They must've gotten here at the same time, how funny! Scooter thought as she opened the door wider, letting the two in.

    Toby got up and gave Jack a fist bump, before leading him up to his room without another word. Scooter watched as the two boys left, before turning to Emily.

    "So- What did you need me to wake up at 8 in the morning for?" Emily asked, crossing her arms as she gave a dirty look to Scooter. She brushed her fingers through her hair to make herself look somewhat decent and like she was ready for the day.

    Scooter looked around, before grabbing Emily's hand, racing up the stairs. Emily yelped, stumbling over her prosthetic legs. While heading to Scooter's room, they passed by Toby's, where the door was opened a crack. The two girls could hear the boys inside, talking about girls they thought were cute at school.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2021 ⏰

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