Happy Birthday

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I wonder why parents believe it's okay to dress their kids in the most ridiculous outfits on their birthday. I'm left to glare at my father who's gushing over the pink suit he had forced me into on this once fine morning. He's going on and on about how cute it is while the only thing I can think of is the fact that I look like a Teletubby. I want it off and I don't bother telling him for the tenth time. While he's distracted with the pictures he had taken I manage to find some decent clothes and retreat to the bathroom before he can stop me. I am not going to wear some pink monstrosity on my birthday. I don't care if I'm a six-year-old child or not, no one is forcing me to wear something I don't want to. This man knows I do not like pink, at least not the shade of pink he had so poorly chosen for me. I do not like tutus either because I am no ballerina. So I'm getting out of this god forsaking dress and into something respectable. I'm wearing some jeans overalls on top of a black long sleeve shirt. It's far better than what my father got me and far more comfortable.

"But Zen-" I walk past my father, dumping the hideous outfit he had gotten and leave my room. It is my birthday and I wear what I want on my day. He can dress me up some other time when I don't care enough. Now I need to find my mother so she can do my hair for me because it is a mess. Currently, my hair is an afro of curls on top of my head, it could be a wig. I can't do it myself because no matter what I try it won't stay in place. Good to know some things don't change even in an entirely different world.

Before I can find my mother there's a knock on the door that has me stopping in my tracks. I stare at the door for a good minute before there's another knock, prompting me to finally move. Is it the police or something? Because I'm pretty sure we have a doorbell, a pretty loud one too. I reach the door and pull it open, knowing the guards would not let anyone dangerous get this far. I'm greeted by a smiling couple and their child, people I recognize from the photo album as my aunt, uncle and cousin. They're either earlier than expected or I just lost track of time

"Hey, Zeni!"

I was told that my cousin's the same age as me, yet I'm sceptical with the size of her. I actually have to look down to meet her eyes, eyes that are just shining with excitement at seeing me.

"Uh..hey, Alissa?" Is that her name or her older sister's? From the way she's grinning, I guess I got it right then.

"You remember me!"

"No I don't, I just know your name"

My blunt reply is apparently amusing because my aunt is laughing and my uncle messes up my hair even more.

"Happy birthday, Zena. Where are your parents?"

I step aside as they enter the house before replying.

"Dads sulking I guess and mom should be in the kitchen"

"Why's Vincent sulking?" My aunt has a beautiful voice, one that's as comforting as my mother's. She looks like her too with the same brown skin and facial features. I notice a dimple in her left cheek, the same one my mother has. Her eyes aren't blue though, instead a light brown that's just as beautiful to me. Hey, I don't discriminate against eye colours.

I almost forget that I was asked a question for a moment there

"He got me a dress to wear today, I don't like it so I'm not wearing it"

"Is it pink?" Alissa's presence is odd because I don't notice her until she speaks.


The answer makes her cringe and stick out her tongue in apparent disgust.

"Pink is terrible"

I agree completely. I guess I can see why we got along.

"Why are you wearing hearing aids?" The question is followed by a gentle probe to the mentioned devices. I almost forgot I'm wearing those as they've been on my ears for the last week. Despite me reassuring my mother of my ability to block people out, she still insisted. There's no fighting a mother so I went along with it. She says I'm allowed to get rid of them when I learn to fully control my quirk, in other words, I can get rid of them when I can block out all thoughts unconsciously and not strain myself.

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