Chapter 61

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Upon returning to UA I had hoped to return to my room but had a feeling things wouldn't go as planned. So I'm not very surprised when Midnight and Kuma don't let me return to the dorms and instead lead me back into the school building and into Nezu's office, where I'm made to sit down in the surprisingly soft chair next to a despondent Aoyama. He's like a sad puppy with the way his head is bowed in guilt and shame. And Nezu, the small and unassuming creature that he is, begins to address the both of us once Midnight and Kuma have left after revealing what had happened at the station.

"It seems it was not meant to be" he had said in response to their report as he nursed a cup of tea.

Next to me, Aoyama refuses to meet my eyes and tenses when I look at him. His thoughts are self-deprecating and his emotions match such thoughts. He believes he should be punished for what he did and views himself as a pathetic person who could never be a hero or of any use.

While I'm not surprised by those thoughts, it's not a pleasant feeling, especially since I'm sitting right next to him.

"Aoyama has shed more light upon his situation," Nezu says with a look the boy's way. "It is not something he can escape from as easily, just like you had said"

"But we'll help him," I say, questioningly. "Yes?"

"Of course" Nezu nods and Aoyama shifts, his thoughts a never-ending list of terrible things. "I understand that you are not a bad person Aoyama. You just find yourself in a rather unfortunate situation due to the dealings of your parents"

Truly, he's a victim in it all.

There's also another concern that hasn't come to me until I'm staring at Aoyama and thinking of anything and everything we can do to help him get out of All for One's clutches. The terrible thing is that he has been in his grasp since the very moment his parents approached the villain. All For One doesn't do these things out of the kindness of his heart. Everything he does is for himself, everyone he "helps" are initially pawns in the grand scheme of things.

If they're no longer useful, he will dispose of them. Much like he attempted to do with Lady Nagant.

What happened to her could surely happen to Aoyama as well. All For One has a plan for everything, so while he holds Aoyama's parents' life in his hands, he may have also altered Aoyama's quirk or something. I'm not sure what he did to cause Lady Nagant to explode from the inside, but I'm sure it is related to the quirk he gave her.

There's the fact that they did perform the needed examinations on him after he had been revealed to be the traitor, but as I've seen multiple times already, I cannot trust things to work out the way I'm familiar with. There's no telling if things are different here and that's not a risk I'm willing to take now, or ever.

And this is not something I can point-blank reveal to Nezu without him asking the questions no one should be asking me.

How do I bring this up?

I could suggest an examination with the very plausible concern that All for One may have done more than simply given Aoyama a quirk. It wouldn't be hard to believe that he did something that's a failsafe for when he no longer needs Aoyama. But, should I bring this up now, or when I'm alone with the Nezu. Aoyama already has to worry about his parents, he won't fare very well if he has to fear for his life as well.

But wouldn't it be better if he knew? Ignorance is bliss and all, but how blissful is that ignorance when he's dead?

"We should have Aoyama thoroughly examined" I suggest, minutely glancing at Aoyama, who for the first time dares look at me. "There's no telling what else All For One may have put in his body. There could be something dangerous that triggers when All For One decides he no longer needs him"

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