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This is my old story from somewhere in april to may 2021, so yeah I decided to reupload it because why not-


A/n: My 2nd story. Tell me if i mess something up, my first language isn't english so ye, feel free to tell me what i messed up.

4:23 PM Nov 16 20XX

So... This is how i die huh. How lame dying by getting hit by a flower vase ARE YOU SERIOUS?! AND THEN HIT BY A TRUCK!?! Damn it... I wish i could've atleast deleted my browser history.

Yo, i'm Koinu Touki, ah my First name is Touki and my Last name is Koinu now you might be wondering why i'm dying well that's simple just like that one anime cliche moment where you got killed by god because of an accident... sigh What a pain.

-8 hours earlier-
8:27 AM Nov 16 20XX

Aruna: Yo, Touki.

I turned around to see my best friend Kouri Aruna, ah the First name is Aruna and the Last name is Kouri.

Touki: Yo, Aruna.

Aruna: You look tired, have you been playing that game called Fate/Grand Order or somethin' till 5 am again?

I sweatdropped.

Touki: I can't help it, the game is addicting. 'Can't tell her that i'm almost broke again or she'll kill me!'

Aruna: Something tells me you're broke again-

Touki: A-anyways we should go now it's 8:30 AM.

Aruna: Eh?

She looks at her watch and starts running off.

Aruna: OH SHI-


8:31 AM

We finally made it, now we have 4 more minutes till school starts, thank god we're not that late.

Aruna: WE MADE IT!

I was sweating bullets, that was probably the fastest i've ever ran. We walked in the school go to our classroom and take a seat.

A/n: I'll just won't name unimportant characters

Teacher: Good morning class, now let me check the attendance, alright first.

blah blah blah
-Time Skip-
12:11 PM Nov 16 20XX

It's finally Lunch time i was getting hungry, i went to the cafeteria to buy my favourite food Ramen, and as always i ate alone, i'm bored.

-Time Skip-
4:17 PM Nov 16 20XX

School is finally over thank god.

Aruna: Wanna go home together?

Touki: Nah i'm fine, i gotta go and buy some stuff first.

Aruna: Alright then see ya tomorrow!
She waves her hand while leaving.

Touki: Bye!!
I waved my hand, leaving and going to a store to buy some stuff.

As i walked out i checked my watched, the time was now 4:22 PM, as i was walking i got hit in the head and IT. HURTS. LIKE. HELL. And i turned to look what fell on my head it was a flower vase... A FLOWER VASE WTF??? There was no tall buildings on where i am right now and a flower vase fell on me what. After a bit i started falling unconscious and while i was falling unconscious i got hit by a truck WTF??? Could this day get any worse- ah i think i'm dying, damn it i wish i could've atleast deleted my damn browser history.

I then start to wake up, and all i see around me is a very white room, no, more like an infinite void but very white.

???: I AM SO SORRY!!!!!!!!!

Touki: Ughhh, what happened?

???: Long story short you died.

Touki: Eh?!? I died??

???: Yep and it's entirely my fault i apologize i accidentally blow out your life candle while i was moving my flower vase.

Touki: It's fine, anyways so who are you?

God: I am what you people call God.

Touki: So God really did exist.

Touki: Anyways uhm God what do i do now? Will i get isekai'd like those other animes?

God: It's one of the 3 choices, yeah you can if you want.


God: Normally i would give people 2 Wishes but because it's my fault you died i will give you 3 instead.

Touki: Alright!! My first wish is i want to be like Mysterious Heroine X and have her skills

After that i started glowing and i look at myself in a mirror and 2 swords appeared at my hand, Excalibur and Excalibur Morgan.

After that i started glowing and i look at myself in a mirror and 2 swords appeared at my hand, Excalibur and Excalibur Morgan

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Touki: Wait do i still have my Son???
I hold my hand on my son and it's.... Gone... I lost my son... Also my voice sounds like MHX now. Cool i guess.

God: uhh... that's 2 wishes done, uhm what's your final wish?

Touki: D-does that world have a leveling up system?

God: Yes.

Touki: Then my last wish is 500x EXP

God: Well... I guess it's fine. It was my fault you died anyways. Alright then Touki time to send you to another world see ya when you die again!

Touki: Damn well ok, bye God!! Thanks!

God: No Problem!!

After that i see myself in another world...

A/n: I'm so bad at writing stories aren't i? Lmao anyways see ya guys in the First Chapter!!!

I got reincarnated as Mysterious Heroine X (Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now