time line

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*Almost 16 years ago*
'The red room lovers', that's how Natalia (Natasha) and James (Bucky) were called by the other girls in the red room. They secretly meet each other almost every day when they don't have training or a mission. This went well for a few weeks but one of the girls told the leaders and they wiped James his mind while they showed Natalia the footage of James in the wiping progres.
Just before Natalia returnt to her  so called room she hears one of the leaders say "He was never yours Natalia, he was always ours."

A few weeks later Natalia had a mission to kill a man named Clint Barton in Budapest. In some way Clint got her not to kill him and she began working for S.H.I.E.L.D 

*15 years ago*
"Go Nat you can do this." Laura said as Natasha was giving birth . "Come one just one push more" Laura said, "I'm trying, it's not that I'm doing this every day." Natasha responds, getting a chuckle from her best friend. "Aawwww, it's a boy" says Laura when she hugs the little kid in her arms "what are you gonna name him?" "I was thinking about the name, aaaggghhh there is another one!" Natasha screams. "Um Nat that is a really  weird name you know." Clint shouts back joking from the living room. "No not for a name, there is another baby coming!" Laura carefully puts the baby she is holding in the baby bed and helps Natasha. Twelve minutes later there is another baby in the room " awww, don't tell your brother but I'm happy there is another girl in the safe house, you and Lila are gonna be very good friends. I can feel it." Whispers Laura to the baby girl in her arms (Lila is only 3 months older than the twins.) "Hey Laura can you give me my kid or are you gonna keep her?" Nat asks laughing. "Here" Laura carefully gives Nat the babies "but what name do you wanna give them?" 

"So these are your new cousins Daniël and Olivia (she is mostly called Liv in the story but this is her full name). Please be careful with them. Because aunt Nat is going to kill me if you don't." Clint says to Cooper while he careful gives him Daniël and then he picks up his own daughter and niece. 

*10 years ago Lila and Liv are 5 years old and have a sister/bestie relationship* 
The avengers were staying at the safe house. But to keep Danïel and Liv a secret from them they were sent to the Stark mansion. Ofc Tony knew about this, he found out about the twins and Nat explained almost everything. She only said they were found on one of her and Clint's missions and did not tell him she was their birth mom.
So to keep the twins a secret tony offered to let them go to the mainson. So did the avengers not find out about the two and his daughter Morgan had someone to play with. Lila almost cried when her best friend was leaving but Liv promised to come back. Just after they left the avengers arrived and Lila was too excited to see her dad and aunt back to crie about her best friend who was going to another family to stay as long as needed.

After a week the avengers were still at the safe house so the twins can't go home yet. Laura found hidden cams in the house and spoke with Tony about it, after a little talk with Natasha and Clint and a call with Pepper they decided it's the best to send also Lila and Cooper to the stark mansion. That's when Lila and Liv decide to make a friend group with Morgan.
A few days after that the red rooms are attacking the safe house looking for the ones that made Natasha happy. After the fight the Bartons decide it's best to move out and they are going to live at one of the other safe houses.
The kids were trained some basic techniques by their parents in case something like this happens again.

*9 years ago*
The red rooms atack again only this time it was near the school the kids go to (They are 6 years old btw). When they attacked Daniël and Liv were the ones who protected their cousins because they were the strongest of the 4. As they were fighting Liv saw that a man tried to grab her brother so she jumped before him. Then the man hit her unconscious. This is how liv Romanoff got kidnapped by the same people who did this to her mom years ago.

*4 years ago*

After 5 awful years Liv finally got the chance to escape. She was the best and got the title of the black widow but she did not use it herself because as she said: her mom was the black widow not her. When Liv escaped she ran until she found a little village where she hid until she found a way to go back home.
When she finally was home she found out her brother Daniël became a soldier with the help of Bucky Barnes. They found a similar serum in the boys blood so with the permission from Nat Bucky took the boy under his wing.

*3 years ago*
Bucky and Daniël got a father son relationship. He (The last one), Clint, Nat, Laura and even Cooper told Liv she should meet up with the avengers and join SHIELD. Lila said she did not care what her best friend chose and would support her. But after the red rooms Liv did not want to meet them because she thought her past was to dark.

*2 years ago*
Natasha and Tony both sacrificed themselves to save the universe. So Bucky adopted Daniël. (Liv still tried to hide from the superhero world and nobody except for her familie a few S.H.I.E.L.D agents like Maria Hill and Furry nobody at the tower knows she exist ) And Liv became a Barton on the papers but stayed with her last name Romanoff.

*1 year ago*
Liv still did not want to meet the avengers but when Morgan got her and Lila an internship at the tower they thankfully accepted it.

A few weeks later Fury came to the Barton family to 'talk' to Clint. 
Actually he recruited both girls for the shield academie. First they did not want to but then Clint said he would never stop pranking them if they would stay home they both changed their minds.
Morgan was actually the real one who changed their minds by offering them a room in the penthouse on top of the avengers tower so they could be roommates and always stick together. She was also recruited by fury.

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