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Daniël's pov:

After only a few hours Daniël couldnt take it anymore and texted Liv


Daniël B.:
Hey are you alright.

Liv R.: 
Yes I am. Why are you asking?

Daniël B.:
I don't know. I think I was just scared something would happen to you.

Liv R.: 
Come on Dan, you know I can defend myself from bad people.

Daniël B.: 
I know but you are all alone in a part of the country you have never been before.

Liv R.:
Believe me I'm not alone, oké don't worry about me.

Daniël B.:
Who are you with? What are their names? Are you sure you can trust them?

Liv R.:
I'm with a travel organisation? I didn't care to remember. Yes.

Daniël B.: 

Liv R.:
Are those all your questions or are more coming? Cause i don't want to miss dinner.

Daniël B.:
Yea thats all. Call me or text me when you're in danger and I will come and save you.

Liv R.:
I don't think I need saving, but thanks for the offer anyways.
I got to go , my food is getting cold. ttyl 


With a sigh Daniël puts his phone away and walks into the living room.
He finds Sam, Steve, Clint, and his dad in a serious game of mario kart.
Thor is somewhere in space with the guardians who survived Endgame. Morgan, Taylor, Bruce, Peter, Harley and Ned are in the labs while Pepper and MJ are making dinner in the kitchen while somehow still working on a new campaign for Stark IndIndustries. Daniël decides to join the Mario kart game and for the first time he found out about Liv's plans. 

Time skip to a week later by Thor and Rocked dancing to 'single ladies' while taking down bad aliens.

Liv's pov:
It's been a week since I first arrived at my mom's familie they became like parents to me while Yelena was the annoying but also loving and caring sister. I texted Daniël once every day to make sure he didn't track me down and came to take me home. For the rest of the days Melinda, Alexi, Yelena and i were back in the field to track hydra and the red room down. Today it seemed to be our lucky day because while we were eating breakfast Melinda got a signal from a new base. We all suited up (melinda, Yelena and alexi their stuits from 'Black widow' and you can give liv a stuit you like :D (I gave her almost the same one as Yelena but with a mask because she wants to keep her identity hidden.) We got in a jet that appeared out of nowhere and flew to the hydra base. Getting past the guards wasn't really a challenge when you got a family that knew your moves and didn't need much talking to understand each other.
Finding the 'prisoners' and getting them to trust us was another story, because most of them were young when they joined hydra or were brainwashed and didn't have a lot of happy memories. They had a lot of trust issues. While fighting their way out so they could blow up the place they came along the last cell. A boy around 18 was trying to pick the lock so he could give food to the two girls in the cell. The oldest girl was also around 18 and the younger around ten. Liv stopped immediately when she recognized the trio and tears began to form in the corner of her eyes ''Alex, Ilya, alice. You're still alive." Liv looked at them questioning while taking her mask of "Liv?" The boy called Alex asked, "Is that really you?" "Yea it is." Alex gives liv a hug "yea we all missed each other very much but can we get these girls out of this cell and move our reunion outside? Cause this place is about to blow up and I don't want to be inside when that happens." Yelena interrupts us and we quickly go to work.

third pov:

When everyone that matters is outside we blow up the whole facility and continue our reunion. People get introduced to each other and people split up in groups to find their places in the world. The whole time Liv, Alex, Ilya and Alice don't leave each other's sides they talk about everything they missed while their little group was held apard.

•753 words•

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