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Daniël's pov: 

On their way to the airport the next day

"Its not that i dont trust her, its just, i don't know actually. I think its the rest of the world that i don't trust." Daniël explaint for the sixth time in five minutes to the other two boys in the car. "Daniël you havent stoped talking about Liv and all the possibileties of her trip for the whole car ride, you shure you are just friends?" Steve theased him. 
"Yea, im shure sorry for talking that mutch about it. But you know all the things that possebly go wrong and she is one of my best f friends and-" 
"Hey Daniël you are doing it again." Taylor reminds him. "Sorry"

Liv's pov:

I just finished packing the stuff i wanted to take with me when Cooper knoks on my bedroom door. "Hey Liv are you ready to go." "Yes i will be downstairs in a few minutes." When i go downstairs the whole familie (exept Clint) is already there. "Are you 100 procent shure you want to do this?" Laura asks. "Yes i am." "Oké, the taxi will be here in ten minutes." "I don't want you to go and especialy not alone." Lila says while being way overdramatic. "Its going to be oke its not like im leaving you." I try to calm her "yes it is, you are going away to Ohio alone and you don't want to tell us anithing about it." "I don't like to say this but Lila has a point." Cooper interups us. "Cooper stay out of this." Lila and liv yell in unison. Lila and Cooper are about to start another argument when Laura tels them Livs ride has arrived. 

[Time skip by the avengers singing we are the champignons.]

When the plane landed in Ohio Liv checked out and began to look for Yelena. When she found her they greated eachother and walked to Yelena's car. They got inside the car and drove to Melinda's farm (im not shure if it is located in the US or Russia, but for now i'll stay with the US.) When the two girls got out of the car the door of the small farm went open and a dog run outside. "Hey Fanny, lets lead our guest inside will you." Yelena asked the dog while petting her. Liv followed Yelena and Fanny inside, Where she was greated by alexi and melinda. (They wrote eathother letters but never meeted before)
They eated something together and Liv had to admitt that Melinda was an amezing cook. They spend the rest of the day putting Liv's stuff in the gues troom and touring around the small town the farm lay next to. 
Daniël's pov:

When he arrived home. Daniël didn't have the same amount of fun as his sister had. Because he didn't know exactly were she was and for as far as he knew she was alone. Ofcorse he knew Liv could take care of herself but that didn't mean he worryed less. Everybody knew something was bothering him but they also knew that he would tell them when he wanted to. 

-523 words-

Im sorry its so short but i dont have many idea's so if you have one send me a dm or coment it

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