getting a 'normal' life

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"Lila, Liv, what are you doing here?" Laura says as the two girls walk into the kitchen.
"We arrived last night. I hope it's not a problem if we stay here for a while. We got a mission to go  undercover at a school 15 minutes from here." They answer. "Furry says we need to be a little more like normal teen age girls. And a little less secret undercover agents." "Oké, please be careful." "Mom? Stark is here too, She is only still sleeping." "It's fine, thanks for telling me hunny." 

Time skip by (°•°) you can name him/her whatever you want.

The final day was there they were going to a 'normal' school. Well actually Liv and Lila.
Morgan was not going because she was kinda famous. She was just at the safe house for fun and to support her best friends on their second first day at school.
When Lila and Liv finally arrived at their new school they looked for the principal office.
After that they got their books and their schedule they went to class. They were lucky to have a lot of the same classes so they could stick together. 
In their first break they turned on their phones and saw a lot of missing text messages from Morgan.

                 ▪︎Ima bad bish▪︎
Morgan S.: 
How is your first day of school going?

Morgan S.: 
Answer plzzz.

Morgan S.: 
Are you guys still alive?

Morgan S.: 
If you don't answer your freaking phone in 10 min im going to hack that school system to check if you are still alive.

Morgan S.: 
I'm going to do it now!!

Morgan S.: 
You guys are still alive, why don't you answer your phone?

Lila B.: 
Chill down Morgan, we just can't go on our phone while we are following lessons.

Morgan S.: 
Then why are you texting me right now? 
Your not skipping classes aren't you.

Liv R.:
No we got our first break now
But skipping class would not be a problem because we already know what they are trying to teach us.

Nick Fury: 

Lila B.: 
How did he come in here?

Nick Fury:
I can get in every group chat I want. now go back to school. And change your chad name.

Morgan S.: 
Hey we didn't swear in that sentence so why would we?

Nick Fury:
*under his breath* Teenagers these days.

*Nick Fury left the server*

Lila B.:

Liv R.:
Well that was weird.

Liv R.:
So we need to go. Our next class is about to start, bye!!!!

Morgan S.:
Bye, see you after school!!

Another time skip ('▪︎') feel free to give him/her a name to

When their last period was over they quiqly got home. When they arrived they were surprised to see Daniël. "Daniël, i missed you!" Says Liv while she hugs her brother "hey Liv i missed you too." Says he when he hugs back "o no i know that voice what's wrong." "Nothing, but I heard you got back to school and I told Furry I wanted to see you so I can ask you personally how it was." Daniël responds "I Know there is something you are not telling me but whatever." They walk inside talking about things that happened since the last time they saw each other.They all had a fun sleepover where Cooper was also invited to even if they had to go to school the next day. And talked about a lot of random stuff like Lila and Liv's new life, asked Cooper weird questions about school and his love life, and also talked about Danïel's future as an avenger.

Danïel stayed for a few days until he had to go back home. They promised to call and text each other soon. And then Danïel really had to go back.

~640 words~

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