Chapter 1: New York

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5 years old: Karli ran around the large garden in the backyard as her mom watched from the kitchen where she was making breakfast. Her mom, Natasha, had been on the run for nearly 5 years ever since she found out she was pregnant with her daughter. Why was she on the run? All Karli was told was that a very bad group of people wanted to hurt her and her mom. About every 6 months to a year they'd move to a different country, state, or town, if they were in a public place, such as a restaurant or a park or mall, they used fake names in case one of the bad men were lurking nearby. They had been at this little cottage in the French countryside for nearly 2 years. Natasha had turned away for only a minute or so when all the sudden it was too quiet. She ran outside and saw a man carrying her little Karli away from the garden and to a plane of sorts. Natasha pulled her pistols from her thigh holsters and ran after the man. As she was running, she felt 2 stinging holes in her right thigh and tripped as her leg failed to hold her up any longer. She looked down to see 2 bullet holes in her thigh. "Dammit!" she thought as she tried to stand. She heard the sound of the Heli craft lifting up. Her head shot up as she watched the craft take off into the sky. "NO!" she screamed as she fell to the ground sobbing. Her baby girl was gone. They took her- no. They ripped her from her grasps. And they were going to pay. She will find the people who took her daughter and kill every last one of them. Natalia Romanova never fails.


"Who are you?!" Karli yelled at the doctors standing around her as she was strapped to a table. One minute she had been chasing a butterfly, the next she was being carried away from her mom by a strange man and put on a plane. She had been taken to a huge facility and into a strange room with a table in the middle of it. The doctors ignored her yelling and continued to tie her down and hook her up to different machines. Suddenly a mask was placed over her face and before she could even think to struggle, she sank into pitch blackness.


13 years old: She had finally done it. Karli had finally escaped that hell hole. After 8 years of abuse and tests and vials of strange liquids being pumped into her body she was finally out. She used their own creation against them. She had killed more than she had ever done before. Usually she only had to kill 1 or so persons when she was on a mission, but this time she took out a whole base. And this time it was the real bad guys. Not the ones she had been brainwashed to believe were bad. She ran for miles before coming to a small house and knocked on the door. A woman in her mid-twenties opened the door, "Puis-je vous aider, mon cher?" (May I help you, dear?) "Euh, j'ai besoin d'un endroit pour me cacher ... euh quelqu'un. Puis-je me cacher ici un peu?" (Um, I need somewhere to hide from... uh someone. Could I hide here for a little?) Karli asked the woman nervously. The woman stepped aside and invited the girl in. "Your French is quite patchy, girl," the woman said, "so is your English" Karli responded. The woman smirked and went to the kitchen, Karli following after her. The woman busied herself with making tea and Karli sat at the small kitchen table. "What should I call you?" the woman asked, "I... I don't know, I'm sorry I don't remember my name." the lady looked over at the young girl before smiling softly, "well I'm sure it'll come to you. My name is Anatoria, but just call me Ana." Karli looked up at the woman and said, "it's nice to meet you Ana."

~{Flashbacks end}~

Karli's POV

2 years later: "Karli! Se réveiller! Vous ne voulez pas être en retard pour votre vol!" (Karli! Wake up! You don't want to be late for your flight!) Ana shouted from the kitchen. Karli's eyes shot open and a smile crept onto her face. She was finally going to America! She was finally going to find her mom. Over the past 2 years, Karli had lived with Ana and she helped her get a lot of my memories back. Now that she has gotten those back and she's 15, she wants to find her mom. So, today she's flying to New York. She had been keeping tabs on a woman named the Black Widow and she looks exactly like her mom from what she remembers. They had the same red hair, kind smile, and face shape.

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