Chapter 3: On The Run

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I woke up to my mom banging my door open and flipping the lights on. "Mom? What's wrong?" I asked groggily.

"We need to go to the hospital. Now. Throw some clothes on and let's go." she said hurriedly, walking back out of the room. I quickly got out of bed throwing a pair of ripped jeans and a black t-shirt on. I grabbed my army green jacket, a pair of sneakers, and my phone. "Ready?" I asked my mom who was pacing the kitchen.

"Yep, let's go." she said grabbing her keys and getting in the elevator. We arrived in the parking garage a few minutes later and I followed my mom to a black corvette and we got in.

"I didn't know there was a car park." I said after sitting down in the passenger seat.

"It's underneath the tower. Seatbelt." she spoke quickly, speeding out of the garage.

"Where are we going anyways?"

"Hospital. Something happened to Fury."

It was silent for the rest of the ride to the hospital and as soon as we arrived we jumped out of the car and ran in.

"Nicholas Fury." My mom said to the front desk lady.

"I can't allow you to see hi-" she began but was cut off as I raised my hand to her temple.

"We would like to see Nicholas Fury." I said firmly, retracting my hand. I felt my mom staring at me but ignored her as the woman told us where he was. We ran down the hall up the stairs since they'd be quicker than an elevator. We finally reached his room and threw the door open to find a few people already in there watching through a glass window. We watched as the doctors worked on his body trying to keep him alive, but slowly failing.

"Is he gonna make it?" my mom said.

"I don't know." said the blonde man next to her.

"Tell me about the shooter." she demanded.

"He's fast. Strong." he paused before continuing, "Had a metal arm."

As the words left his mouth my heart dropped. The Winter Soldier. My partner at one time. I have a feeling our lives are about to get a lot more interesting. I watched my mom's face falter as he said that and I became confused. What does she know about The Winter Soldier? "Ballistics?"

"Three slugs, no rifling. Completely untraceable." a woman with dark hair spoke up.

"Soviet made." me and my mom said at the same time.

"Yeah." the dark haired woman responded, sounding confused as to why or how we knew that knew that.

"He's in V-tach." we heard from the operating room. "Crash cart coming in!" "Nurse, help me with the drape." "BP's dropping." "Defibrillator." "I want you to charge him at 100." The nurses and doctors spoke hurriedly as Fury slowly failed to stay alive.

"Don't do this to me Nick." I heard my mom mutter. I stepped beside her and took her hand in mine, comforting her the best I could.

"Stand back. Three, two, one. Clear." "Pulse?" "no pulse." "okay, 200, please." "Stand back! Three, two, one. Clear!" "get me epinephrine!" "pulse?" "negative."

"Don't do this to me Nick, don't do this to me." my mother said again. I could practically hear her heart breaking in her voice.

"What's the time?" the doctor asked.

"1:03, doctor."

"Time of death, 1:03 a.m."

Tears slid down my mothers face silently as she tried to stay strong. A nurse ushered us out of the room and into the waiting room where we'd wait to say our goodbyes. A few minutes later another nurse came by and told us we could go in. I stood in the doorway as my mother stood beside his body. I had a weird feeling that he was somehow still alive in a way so I let myself take a peek through his mind. If he was dead I wouldn't be able to, but if he was still in some way alive I could easily read what he's thinking. My eyebrows furrowed a bit as I heard a very, very faint heartbeat. ~he's alive~ I thought, ~but then why is he faking?~ I pulled out of his mind as I saw my mom whip around and march out of the room wiping her eyes with one hand as she grabbed my wrist with the other.

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