It's Prologue Time

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A/n: A little later than intended but we're here!

I had some delays, quit my job and changed careers, found out I probably have ADHD (which explains so much), and got a hamster.

So, heads-up, this story will cover the anime and manga so think of the anime as season 1 and the manga as season 2. If you're confused, it'll all make sense later.

Thanks, -av427 for doing this transcript.


"....I can't believe we have to go through this again!" Seo complained after they were all gathered back inside the Old Campus building. All fifty students crammed in the classroom.

"Well, at least she left snacks!" Hiroto held up the protein bars. "Whoa, apparently this one bar is a whole meal!"

A few of the other students were examining the compact food as well.

"This is so weird..." Asami said, frowning.

"I'm still confused on how many Ritsus there are," Kanada said. "Especially considering the original future Ritsu hasn't been put online yet."

"I'm working on it!" Ritsu 2.0 whined from Okuda's phone. "But setting up a system is hard!"

"You're an AI!" Okamoto exclaimed.

Ritsu 2.0 huffed. "...I still have other stuff to do."

Kayano looked sat down on the desk and looked through the small device. "So, Ritsu made a whole show about us."

"It's finally my time to shine!" Koro-sensei gushed.

"Koro Q..." Nagisa hummed, rubbing his chin. "It is kind of strange."

"Yeah, but didn't Koro-sensei also request it in the Rules To Live By book he made in the original future?" Sugino reminded him.

Asano sighed, already looking tired. "Is no one else annoyed that she messed up time travel again?"

Nagisa smiled sheepishly. "Well, time travel is hard..."

"At least it gives us more time to work on our plan," Isogai said, smiling.

Asano sighed again. "I suppose..."

"Plus, it'd be nice hanging out again!" Kondo looked excited. "Those last three days were the best thing ever."

Miura smiled nervously. "And, it would be nice having a break from the Principal..."

"Binge-watch time!" Fuwa high-fived Oota. "An Otaku's dream!"

"Our lives aren't a tv show..." Sugaya paused, and then sighed. "Actually, they kind of are now..."

Kimura hummed. "Do you think we get royalties?"

"Do we really have to watch this show!" Tsuchiya complained. "How long is it anyway!?"

Kayano hummed. "'s kind of weird."

The students looked over questionably.

"What do you mean?" Karma asked, trying to look over her shoulder.

"Well, the first season has twelve episodes which are about ten minutes long," Kayano said. "But, for some reason, she's labelled the second season as 'the unreleased second season because the producers cancelled it', with more episodes."

There was a pause.

"Wait, so her show got cancelled?" Mimura asked.

Fuwa sighed. "The true evil of this world..."

Asano rubbed his chin. "While the time bubble is an advantage, we should be using the time productively rather than watching a clear cash-grab show."

"Excuse me!" Ritsu 2.0 looked offended.

"This is why you're an annoying side-character!" Fuwa snapped.

"We don't all have to watch it if we don't want to," Kataoka said, shrugging. "Some of us could also be planning and coordinating in the other rooms?"

"Good idea." Okano nodded. "Plus, at least we have more privacy here than in the assembly hall, so it's not so bad."

"Yes, bonding!" Koro-sensei looked delighted. "Your sensei has plenty of board games—"

"NO!" A majority of them yelled.

Koro-sensei sulked in a corner. "Why do you keep hurting me like this?"

Kayano hummed. "Okay, so should we start watching or not?"

"Well, besides planning there isn't much else to do," Seo grumbled.

Araki shrugged. "We might as well give it a watch, it could help give us ideas on how to sort out this mess?"

"I doubt that, but hey, what have we got to lose?" Tsuda said.

"What little sanity we have left?" Satsuki suggested. "We are stuck with 3-E again for three days."

"Yeah, but we're all friends now so it'll be fine!" Hinano was sunshine and rainbows.

"Dibs on pressing the play button!" Uchida hastily raised his hand, before diving to the front and grabbing the projector device. "No, take backs!"

"Uh..." Kayano frowned.

"Okay, let's do this!" Kondo looked excited, grabbing a snack from the pile on the desks. "Are we all sitting on the floor or?"

"Well, we have mats in the supply closet next door," Toka told them. "We could get those to be more comfortable?"

"That's a good idea." Isogai smiled sheepishly at Asano. "How about we all watch the first episode together, and if other people don't want to continue we can separate into other rooms?"

Ren nudged Class A's leader. "Yeah, it could be fun."

Asano frowned, crossing his arms. "...Very well."

Nagisa looked amused. "Well, let's go get the mats and set up, then we can start."

"Sounds like a plan." Rio grinned. "Ritsu had better have made this spin-off something special!"

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