Episode 1: Class E and the Big Bad or Goku-Nagisa

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Episode 1: Class E and the Big Bad or Goku-Nagisa

Thanks again, -av427 for doing this transcript.


The PE mats were laid out on the floor, with the projector mounted on the desk in front of the blackboard, Uchida guarding the play button.

"Anyone kind of scared of how Ritsu's going to portray us in this show?" Hara asked.

"I mean, you guys are already crazy so nothing else would be much of a stretch," Machida commented, and then laughed nervously when Sugino shot him a look. "Uh, you know, the good kind of crazy!"

"Well, I'm excited about it," Okuda said, smiling. "the intro we saw looked cute."

"Yeah, but it had that stupid acorn," Terasaka rolled his eyes. "Did she really have to include it?"

"Well, it is the school mascot," Nagisa replied in amusement.

"Okay, is everyone ready!?" Uchida called once all the students were seated.

"Yeah, if Koro-sensei will stop trying to eat all the snacks," Hazama said, looking over at the octopus who was trying eat the snacks off the table.

"Ah!" Koro-sensei froze, caught in the act.

"Sir!" Toka chided.

"I was only going to have one more bite!" Koro-sensei exclaimed, growing flustered.

"We have to ration them! That's all the food we have for three days," Kataoka said sternly.

"I was only going to have one more..." Koro-sensei huffed and sat down next to Nagisa and Karma.

Nagisa smiled sympathetically and patted his shoulder.

"Okay, I'll take that as a yes we're ready," Uchida said, pressing the play button.

The black screen opened with words typed in a white, pixelated font.

[Begin a new quest?]


[No ]

The "Yes" option was selected.

"Oh, so it's really like a video game," Karma said.

"That's pretty cool!" Oota said.

Kanzaki nodded, looking excited. "Yes! This looks like it'll be fun."

The screen faded to black, then showed an animated 3-E sign outside of the classroom as Koro-sensei's laugh was heard. "Nurufufufu! Alright, people. Let's get started, shall we? Whoever feels ready..." Green stripes appeared on Koro-sensei's face. "Come and get me!"

The entire class rushed at him with their weapons, giving loud shouts.

"Hey, this is just like the first episode of the footage," Hokoma said.

"Well, Ritsu did say this series was supposed to honor our time together in the original timeline," Rinka replied.

"Yeah, but we look kind of weird here..." Kimura stared at his hands and then the screen. "Like we're chibi or something..."

"I think it looks cute!" Hinano replied.

Koro-sensei took photos. "You all look so adorable!"

The opening was played.

"Play that song!" Fuwa shouted. "Mr K isn't here to stop us now!"

A few students groaned.

"I mean, I feel we probably shouldn't overkill it with the intros," Oota commented.

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