Chapter 3

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Hi guys so I'm writing this chapter on my phone just to let you know. Anyways has anyone read Locker 17? It's so good, I started it like Monday I think and am already on chapter 80 something.

As soon as Louis walks into the small room he smells the strong scent of coffee. He sees the counselor leaning back in his chair. Stomach looking like it's struggling to free itself from the button down shirt. He actually feels sorry for the chair but there's nothing he can do about it.

The counselor motions to another cushion chair across from him as he shifts his weight, so he's sitting more upright. Louis places himself in the seat and looks down at the desk to his right. His eyes find sheets of paper covering every inch of the desk, but the large man gets Louis' attention by coughing.

When he looks towards the counselor he asks, "Yes?" The large man finally talks, "Well since you were seated in the front of the class, where the fight broke out, I need you tell me what happened." Louis nods and begins to tell what he saw. "I had been answering too much apparently so Mr. Chase wouldn't let me answer again so he called on Harry. I think that's his name. Anyways, he got really upset about it and got in his face. I told him that Mr. Chase only wanted an answer to a equation. He then went on to call me something and it went even more down hill."

As Louis was speaking, the man was writing short little notes about his side of the story. While he was finishing up the notes, the blue eyed boy looked for a name tag. He was getting tired of calling him "The Counselor' in his head. Louis' eyes landed on the name tag on the mans shirt, it read Mr. Colton. "Well, Mr. Tomlinson," Mr. Colton's voice caused Louis to jump a bit. "Since you're new to Mills High, do you have any questions about anything?" He did have a question, but it wasn't about the school. Instead he shook his head no and said, "Nope, I'm good."

Mr. Colton nods his head and starts to get up out of the chair. "Well then, Louis you are free to go. Just exit through the door and stop by the aide. She'll write you a pass to your next class." Louis stands up, but takes one last look at the table quickly.

At the top of a sheet he sees in big black letters, 'Students close to retaking the grade' and the first name he notices is Harry E. Styles. Louis isn't surprised, not at all. The way he acts, talks, his style, and everything else, he's wondering how he even made it this far into high school. Teachers probably just wanted to be free of him. Louis focuses back into the real world, sadly, and walks out the door. He makes his way to the petite counter. As he's walking a heavy boot comes ands hits his ankle. Louis looks over to see the boy who has his hair pushed back with a headscarf. Acting like he wasn't the one who just kicked his ankle.

So this is how it's going to start.

Louis tries to hide his faint limp, he thinks and knows he's going to have some nice bruising afterwards, when he walks the rest of the way to the counter. The female aide hands him a pass along with a sympathetic smile.

When Louis smiles back and moves toward the door, he feels like there's a set of eyes on him. He knows it's Harry but ignores him. Then Louis reaches for the knob, turns it and gets out of the room. Once he's outside and in the empty halls, he realizes that he's sweating some. Louis goes to his next class straight away. Also though, on the way to his class he thinks about how he knows Harry has picked him to be the next victim. He hates it. He already has enough shit going on right now in his life.

The feathered hair boy knocks on the door of his next class. He's shifting back and forth on his feet a lot right now, and all he's doing is waiting for someone to open a door. Louis hears footsteps approach it, and he sees the knob turn. Then the wooden door is pulled open by the same kid that went into Mr. Coltons office before he did.

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