Chapter 7

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Harry thrusts up into the girl a few more times before he lets go into the condom. Afterwards, he releases the brunettes hips and falls back against the mattress. His eyes lead him to look out the window, the dimly light room making it seem darker outside then it really is. She climbs off Harry and gets dressed, slipping on her clothes then setting something down on the nightstand and leaving.

Harry knows it's her number and he will add it to his contacts once he's done getting his breathing back to its regular pattern, she was a good one.

Harry sits up in his bed, the same one he had nearly killed Louis in a few days prior. It's an odd feeling he gets in his stomach when he lays down or sits on his bed. Just knowing somebody's life nearly ended because of him doesn't exactly sit well with him. Harry runs his fingers through his curls and sits up, grabbing the girls number from the nightstand and adding it to his phone.

After, Harry gets dressed in black jogging pants and shirt along with black running shoes, a beanie and gloves. He walks down the stairs pass his mom who possibly heard him fucking the girl upstairs, she doesn't say a word, used to this behavior, and he leaves the house. It doesn't feel like a home to him anymore.


"You disgrace!"

"I don't even know why you were fucking born!"

"It'd be so much better if you were just gone!"

"Everything in my life would be better!"

Louis balls his hands into fists, he's had enough of his dad, and yells, "If I was gone you wouldn't have anyone to clean up after you, you pig. I fucking hate you!"

His dad's eyes glaze over with even more anger than before. His elbow is grabbed hard enough to leave bruises, and the door swings open, hitting the wall. Louis' slammed against the door frame, losing focus then gaining it right back, his dad right in his face. "You leave this house right now boy, come back when you get rid of the damn attitude." He spits. Louis' body is tossed to the side and the next thing he knows he's on the concrete of his porch, the short boy hears the sound of the solid door slamming shut.

Slowly, as to not break himself more than he is, Louis sits up, scoots to the first step, and hugs his knees to his chest.

Realization hits. He was just kicked out of his house, not home because it never felt like one, at sixteen, with nothing but the things he has on him now. It's the middle of November and the temperature is like December, Louis doesn't have a coat either. The boy breathes out, the white mist swirling around then disappearing.

Suddenly, the porch light is turned off and the only light sources are coming from the tall lamp posts lining the street. Louis lets out a sigh, not only is he probably going to freeze to death but he's almost in complete darkness too.

He doesn't have any place to go so he just thinks. Thinks about what his dad had said to him in the silence of the night.

What if he wasn't born with this life? If he had known that his mother was going to get murdered, his sisters taken away, that he'd have to live with his shit piece of a father, and he'd have to deal with a bully in and outside of school, he never would have chosen himself to be born.

Louis is torn away from his thoughts when he hears footsteps. Not just normal, walking footsteps, but almost as if the person was running or jogging. The person was getting closer, Louis could see that they were on his side of the street. He didn't bother looking at them, he didn't care who it was, so he put his head back down on his knees.

The sounds stopped in front of Louis though, and he could hear the person was breathing heavily.

"Hey, mate are you alright?"

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