Chapter 5

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Ten school days later Louis was one of the few students sitting in their first block, waiting patiently for the teacher to enter the room. When he heard the door open Louis expected to hear the sound of heels, but instead heard boots scuffing along the tile.

Louis sat up straighter and listened to hear him take a seat at a table near the wall. He couldn't have been happier in that moment, because the trouble kid didn't sit in the empty chair next to him.

Science class went by quickly and just before the bell rang Mrs. Karter, the teacher, asks for Louis and Harry to stay after. Right after she said that the bell rung and kids made a dash for the door. While the other students were leaving both boys got up and made their way to Mrs. Karter's desk.

"Harry, do you know what your grade is currently in my class?" She asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Why should I?" He asked

"You should because it'd be helpful for you to know when you need to put more effort into the work," She replied. "Right now you have a thirty-nine." She gives him this look as if saying really?

Louis felt like he wasn't supposed to be hearing this, so he felt awkward. He stood with one Van covered foot flat on the ground and the other rolled on its side. His sweater was bunched around his fingers and he was biting his nails on his right hand, the other holding his elbow.

Louis looked up from the floor when he heard his name.

"That's why I'm getting Louis here to tutor you," Louis stops breathing and Harry glares between the teacher and him. He starts to protest but is cut off by Mrs. Karter. "You need it Harry. You guys will meet up every Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday. He'll help you with all the work you've been missing. You have 3 weeks to turn it all in."

She turned to her desk and grabbed a stack of papers held together by a few rubber bands. "This is all the work you'll need to do," She handed it to Louis and said with a small smile, "I trust you to not lose these or throw them in the trash." Louis was shocked, he was standing there with his mouth open because all this weight was just put on his shoulders and in his hands. Literally, the papers were extremely heavy. Louis was brought back to reality by Mrs. Karter. "Today is Thursday, so you guys will meet today. I don't care where, just someplace quiet and where Harry can't cause a scene." She had closed her eyes at the last part. Louis smiled a little and looked over to Harry. The tall boy was just glaring at her. His smile fell when Harry looked at him with the same expression he gave the teacher.

After a short silence Harry spoke up. "Can I go now or..." Mrs. Karter nodded and waved a hand towards the door where other students were coming through. The boys picked up their bags and headed for the door. But right before they left Louis felt someone grab his bicep and stop him from walking. Suddenly a pair of lips were by his ear and he smelt mint. "My house at exactly four."

The body made its way around Louis to in front of him. He saw a gray jacket and black skinny jeans walking away from him.


When the last bell rang Louis made his run for the door as fast as possible. He really didn't want to be late getting there just knowing what Harry could do if he was even just a minute late.

First, he needed to go home and leave a note telling his dad where he went. So when he gets back home from his shitty job at the gas station down the street, he'll see it and not throw beer bottles at him when he gets back from Harry's.

Once that's done Louis gathers the things he needs for the tutoring session. Harry had managed to slip his address into the pocket of Louis' jacket when he passed him on his way to leave science.

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