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The bonfire with the Apollo cabin had ended and campers were getting ready for bed. Everyone was leaving with their siblings to head toward their cabin. Percy quickly said goodnight to the people who sat next to him, his eyes scanning the area for a certain son of Hades. He had something to confess, and this would be the last opportunity to speak to him. He'd been avoiding the conversation the whole day, he had to tell him now.

There he was, on his way to the Hades cabin. "Nico!" Percy called out, getting up from his seat. Nico turned around, confused.

Percy ran up to him, "Can we talk?"

Nico looked at him, surprised at the request. "Yeah. What happened?"

"Um, somewhere more private? Maybe my cabin?" Percy asked, one hand scratching the back of his neck. He would not admit his feelings there, someone could overhear.

Nico raised his eyebrows in question. "Uh, sure." Percy nodded and started walking towards the Poseidon cabin. Nico adjusted his black sweater and followed.

They entered the Poseidon cabin, and Percy motioned for Nico to sit beside him. Nico obliged and sat down on the bed, putting his hands inside his sweater pockets.

"I..." Percy started, staring into Nico's eyes. He felt his whole face grow warm and dropped his gaze, laughing nervously.

"Hey, are you okay?" Nico asked, worried.

"Sorry, I'm just embarrassed."

"Oh, you don't have to tell me whatever it is you're going to say. Don't pressure yourself." Nico reassured. Percy smiled in gratitude, but shook his head. He had to do this. His heart raced against his chest and he prayed for the courage to get the words out.

"No, I'll say it. I just..."

"It's not something bad, is it?" Nico asked.

"No no, it's nothing really." Percy bit his lip, then took a deep breath, pushing his nerves aside.  "I'll just tell you." Nico looked at him up and down, waiting.

"I," Percy began. Nico was staring at him. "Sorry!" he exclaimed. "I can't say it when you're looking at me." Percy admitted.

"I can turn around if you'd like." Nico got up but Percy tugged at his sleeve.

"No, it's fine. I'll just," Nico sat down slowly, and Percy used his right hand to cover Nico's eyes. Nico protested, but Percy explained, "If you turn around, I'll feel ridiculous. But I also don't think I can say this if you're looking at me. " His voice was serious and Nico stayed quiet, allowing Percy to continue talking.

"Confession here," Percy said. "By the way, you don't have to say anything back. I just want to get this out." he quickly added.

"I like you Nico." Nico froze, but Percy continued. "As in I-like-you-romantically, not I-like-you-as-a-person." He paused, waiting for any reaction.

"I really hope this doesn't affect our friendship. I know that years ago, you told me I wasn't your type. I understand. I just needed to get this out, before it started being obvious and then things would be awkward between us."

Why wasn't Nico saying anything? Percy's cheeks were burning.

"I know, you must be wondering, what the? And to answer that, I don't know, I just do. When it started, who knows honestly. But one day, I realized that maybe I do like guys, and maybe the guy that I like in particular is you." Percy sighed. "That's all I had to say."

It was true. He had never thought about his sexuality, never thought he'd fall for a guy. But he fell for Nico and now he saw that gender really had little to do with it. When he was with Annabeth, he felt love. Now he looked at Nico and felt the same.  He never thought, I'm in love with a guy. He thought, I'm in love, and that's it. He confessed this all to Grover last time he visited and he encouraged Percy to admit his feelings. 

And as nerve wracking as it was, as much as his hands were sweating in that moment, Percy couldn't deny how relieving it felt to have that immense weight lifted off his shoulders. 

As he confessed, Percy could see Nico's lips curl up into a smile before trying to keep a straight face. Percy panicked, did, did he like him back?

Once he finished, he felt Nico blinking rapidly against his palm, and he quickly retracted his hand. Nico wiped his tears with his sleeve.

Nico laughed softly. "I don't even know why I'm crying." Percy looked at him, unsure of the situation. What was going on? Had he made him cry?!

Nico looked at him, with what seemed like a hopeful expression. "Percy." he said. "Did you really mean that? Every word you said?"

Percy's heart ached. Had he said something wrong? Nico didn't like him, it was fine, he had been preparing himself for that. But had he really hurt him with his words? He had already admitted his feelings, he had to be completely honest. Too late to back out now.

Percy nodded, and watched in shock as his gesture made Nico break into a stunning smile. Why was he so beautiful?

"Can I hug you?"


Nico tackled him in a hug, his chin gently resting on Percy's shoulder. Hesitating, he placed his hands on Nico's back.

"Can I tell you something?" The hairs on his neck rose as he spoke, but Percy stayed still.


"I like you too,"


"Wait, you what?" Percy asked, eyes widening. Percy had prepared for rejection, but now... he was saying he liked him back? He gently pushed Nico off and held him in place, making sure their eyes met. He could feel the heat creeping up to his face, but he needed to hear it from his mouth again.

"You like me back?"

"Yes Percy, I always have." Nico admitted, his voice a bit softer. Percy looked away, smiling. He had to restrain himself from kissing him then and there.

They remained silent for a few seconds, his brain was having trouble comprehending what had just happened.

Nico liked him back. Nico liked him bac-

"Will you be my boyfriend?" he asked. 

His face lit up in a way Percy had never seen. Percy couldn't wipe the smile off his own face.

Gods, Nico was the most enchanting person he'd ever laid his eyes on.

"It'd be my pleasure," Nico answered. He surprised him with a gentle kiss. Percy's brain stopped for a second, and he had to force his mind to work and reciprocate, otherwise, things would get awkward quickly. 

Percy's heart pounded. His cheeks and ears felt so warm, he knew it must've been evident to Nico. Percy couldn't help but look at him with pure adoration, love, and amazement at how this gorgeous person liked him back. He didn't think he'd ever felt happier than in that moment.

It's interesting because once you acknowledge you're in love, any interaction with that person makes you feel something. And these feelings are so obvious to you, you think: how did I not realize this before? Really, how had he not realized just how much he loved Nico?

Now, Nico was his boyfriend, and boy, was Percy completely in love with him. 

A/N You know what I just realized? Every time I write some fluff, I always find myself smiling throughout the process. I really hope this had the same effect on you guys :D Thanks for reading! <3

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