I Love You, A Lot

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The afternoon sun flooded the room, dust particles flying in the air. To Percy, it looked like a scene straight from a painting.

Nico was lost in his new poetry collection book, while Percy observed him from the other side of the couch, the half eaten muffin in his hands long forgotten.

Percy gazed at Nico's face, his eyes going over the gentle curve of his jawline. It contradicted his fierce nature in battle. His eyelashes arched down, eyes scanning the book in his hands. On his pale skin, the dark circles under his eyes stood out, a result of arriving home late from their trip.

Nico frowned, his expression showed frustration every so often. Percy knew it was due to his dyslexia, but Nico loved literature and was stubborn. This was the book Nico had gushed all about, he'd get through it.

His unkempt hair adorned the sides of his face, Percy wondered why Nico didn't just tie it back. His shoulders were hunched over, and with every rise and fall of his chest, Percy felt like Nico was sinking deeper into the couch. He didn't blame him, the one they had recently purchased proved to be a great investment. Nico had insisted on buying furniture for their new house, and Percy had also wanted an upgrade from their old hard one for a while now.

Best of all, on Nico's right hand, there was a simple black ring on his ring finger that matched Percy's own, their names engraved in beautiful emerald green.

Percy smiled. He remembered how he proposed. It wasn't exactly a disaster. After all, Nico said yes. He had planned a walk along the beach, then for him to pick up a shell with a wedding ring under it.

The thing was, Percy had been sweating the whole time. He was extremely nervous, and picked up the wrong shell, leaving Nico very confused. Once he had the ring in his hands, he was shaking, even after Nico had agreed. The night ended with both in tears, tears of joy and disbelief. If he had to rank it, that day was among the best in his life, the very best being the day he became Percy Jackson-di Angelo.

They were husbands now. Not just friends, not just boyfriends, but people who would share the rest of their lives together. Nico and Percy Jackson-di Angelo. Yeah, that sounded nice.

Nico looked up from his book, his eyes meeting Percy's. "What?"


"Mmh, what is it?" Nico asked, tilting his head.

"Nothing really, just looking at you." Percy took delight in seeing Nico's ears heat up.

"Oh, you should read this. It's good."

"You could read it to me." Percy suggested.

"Fine, come." Nico said, patting his lap.

Percy crawled over, placing his head on his husband's lap.

All he did was look up before Nico leaned forward to kiss him. It was closed mouth and slightly awkward due to Nico's position, but it made his heart race nonetheless. His husband pulled away and grabbed the book, picking it off where he had stopped reading. Percy closed his eyes and smiled in satisfaction. Using his left hand, Nico moved the hair away from Percy's face, brushing his fingers through the soft locks, and began reading. 

A/N Wow, Percy and Nico, but as husbands is actually the most adorable thing ever ^///^ Thanks for reading!

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