In Your Arms, I'm At Ease

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Hazel led Percy to a black crypt built into the side of the hill. Standing in front was a teenage boy in black jeans and an aviator jacket.

"Hey," Hazel called. "I've brought a friend."

The boy turned. As soon as he laid his eyes on him, the boy seemed shocked— panicked even, like he'd been caught in a searchlight.

Percy had another one of those weird flashes: like this was somebody he should know. He drew his eyebrows together.

He was almost as pale as Octavian, but with dark eyes and messy black hair, and didn't look anything like Hazel. He wore a silver skull ring, a chain for a belt, and a black T-shirt with skull designs. At his side hung a pure-black sword.

"I know you..." Percy said. He slowly pointed at him, desperately trying to remember where he had seen this person before. The name was at the tip of his tongue...

His mind was blank, but something, something about him felt so familiar.

"Percy?" the boy called out, taking a step forward. Hazel's eyes darted back and forth between the two of them, it was obvious she was nervous.

His eyes widened. "You know me?" So this was someone he should know!

"Nico, Percy's lost his memory, he doesn't remember anything." she explained.

Nico, Nico, his head registered. Who was he? Where had he seen him before? Nothing came to mind.

The boy's face fell. He swallowed, understanding. "So the Lares weren't lying. Percy, you don't remember me? At all?" He sounded pained, like he was looking for some kind of sign on his face. Had Percy done something to him?

"I'm sorry, I don't know who you are." But Percy felt like he knew him, he was sure.

"Wait, wait. You know me, right?" Percy kept his eyes glued to his face. "Right?" He could hear the eagerness in his own voice, but he was desperate for something, anything that would link him to his old life.

Nico appeared hesitant to answer. "Um, yes."

Percy broke into a smile, was this what Juno was referring to? Was Nico the key to his memory?

"Wait, so... who, who are you? And how do you know me?"

"Percy, I'm," He stammered. "I'm your boyfriend."


"You're my... I have a boyfriend?" He froze and stood there gaping.

He had a boyfriend?! How was that possible?

He looked to an equally confused Hazel for clarification. Nico nodded, and looked at him expectantly, like he was waiting for memories to resurface. Percy hoped so too, but nothing.

"Nico, you have a boyfriend?" Hazel's voice was breathy. He didn't need to turn his head to know that she was staring at him. But they were siblings, shouldn't they know that about each other?

He examined Nico, who noticeably shifted under his gaze, from head to toe.

His mind tried to make sense of what happened. He had a boyfriend this whole time, and he never realized? Yes, his memories were gone, but Juno hadn't mentioned anything. What other important details were wiped from his head?

Besides, why could he recognize Nico?

He tried grasping the fact that first of all, he was in a relationship, second, he couldn't remember a single thing.

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