Chapter 5

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Athena's P.O.V

I woke up and Oh boyyy my body It feels like I've been beaten up,My body hurts, but thinking about the past...On how the people in my old school treated me on how my Ex (Jake) broke my heart...and my "SO CALLED FAMILY" Hurt, and abuse me....It hurts way more...than this physical pain...Cause this pain in my body will soon fade but the words they said...the scars...I can't even words that cuts my heart IS ALL STUCK in me...

I feel like crying again but I don't want to cry...I don't want to be weak anymore...I don't want others to treat me like that anymore...They see me like a trash...BUT I'LL PROVE THEM WRONG...I won't run away again Cause soon THEY WILL...soon

I was ready and now I feel motivated and because of my painful past all the pain from yesterday I can't feel it anymore So I stood up and get ready to go to the Gym Lena is still sleeping and I don't wanna wake her up.


Lena's P.O.V

I woke up and and brush my teeth and after that I happily walk towards Athena's room but to my supprise she's not thier.

Then I search the house but she's not thier then I was about to call mom when suddenly I got a glance at the window and I WAS SHOCK...


She...she's doing the exercises I told her and not just that I watch her for a while then she starts punching the punching Bag...but compare to yesterday I could tell that her punches are way stronger and the look in her scary...

I was happy to see her Finaly motivated and not just that I was also excited for her cause thinking the way the people treated her in her past the way they took advantage of her because of her kind,caring,loving, and gentle character, they will surely not ganna get any of those from her when she Get back but Don't get me wrong actualy I just want to help her cause I don't want others to treat her like that, SHE IS THE WAY SHE IS and I don't want to change her but Instead I WANNA MAKE HER TO BECOME STRONGER.

So I run towards the gym where she is and I could tell she's putting all her focus and attention to what she's doing so I attack her with out her knowing she was suprise to what I did and she is cover the spot I hit on her stomach its only her second day of training and exercise but she learned fast and did loose some weight.

She look at me and said

Why did you do that???

I laugh and said

You need to be more attentive to your surrounding Athena

Give her a some water

She look at me and just took the water and drink it

Come take a rest and we will train again later OH AND BTW you look kind of scary hahahah Then I turned sat on the chair

She pout and said

Well did I scare you? Hahaha

I only smiled at her and look at the outside of the window

After a while we decided to train again and again

She is such a fast learner, I gues it would be easier than I thought it would be.

And so we continue to train and exercise, and do the same routine everyday


And after 1 year of training and exercise, and Doing activities

I can't believe How beautiful this woman standing in front of me is....

???:So lets go?

I smile at her and said excitedly

YESSSS lets go go goooo!~~

We are going to the mall today to get some new stuff like dress, new pair heels and more and also Because this girl beside me needs new clothes hehehe

When we got to the mall I emediately drag her to the Gucci store and search new Things

Oh and THAT GIRL ACTUALY HAVE A GREAT TASTE she is like a model now hahaha so she doesn't need my help in choosing stuff

I look at her and said

Did you get what you want already?

She look back and said

yeah and I'm ganna pay it now so come on and besides I wanna go get some Ice cream after this

I gigled and followed after her

When we got outside the store we walk towards the ice cream shop and got some she chose the chocolate one and I choose Cookies and cream

We have lots of shoping bags in hanging in our elbow but we still manage to eat the ice cream and while we are walking towards the car someone stood in front of us and said

"Hey cuties" and give us a smirk

I look at him digusted but the woman beside me just raised her eyebrow and look at the man

Then the man look at her and said

What? Are you just ganna stare at me sweet heart come on, I might melt because of you

Then he gave her a wink

I look at her and oh boy if this guy ganna talk again like that I think he would need to call an ambulance before she gets annoyed even more

Then the guy said

Come on lets have fu-

The man was about to say something again when she gave me her ice cream and punch the man in the face really hard that he fell to the ground then he groan and look at the woman beside me angrily and said


She then slap and grab the mans face and said glaring at the man

"First of all you, are, disgusting, second YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO CALL ME A BRAT, and lastly If you ever come near me again or do this to any girl I'LL MAKE YOU PAY."

Then the man look at her scared, then she let go of the man, the man franticly runs away from her

And here I was eating my ice cream while watching

She took her ice cream from me so I said

You know you could have just told him to stay away from you

Then she look at me and said while eating her ice cream like nothing happend

Your right and he doesn't deserve my time, but if I didn't do that people like him will continue to do things like that, and not all people are like me some people can't fight, and some people could have done worst than to what I did to him, some people doesn't know how to show mercy.

Then she opened the car and sat in the driver's seat

I smiled at her cause she might have become stronger and even stronger than me, and even have a beautiful body, a lot of things have change in her but still She's still caring, and kind she might not show it like she the ways she used to, but deep down I know she still has it in her.


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