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You were all in the classroom 'working' on your homework you sat by noodles and then noodles stretched and when he heard foot steps he said "guys shes coming back." So we all went back to 'working' n's the door opens and missy walks in with Granada
"Everyone this is missy. She will be joining you today. Missy, I'd appreciate it if you would take a seat right there and quietly continue your studies along with the other children." Granada says as you try not to laugh because she thinks your actually working "children...thank you all for respecting my rules. Your parents will be very proud when I tell them of your exceptional behaviour." You trying so hard not to die of laughter. "Well done." Granada chuckles a little and leaves the room when the door closes noodles stretches again to see if Granada left
"She's gone." He whispers and then you burst out laughing.
"S-she really t-thinks I would d-do my work." She say laughing "C'est stupide"you say laughing (translation to what you said: 'That's stupid') and the others cheer and play around and you get up and start using your telekinesis moving paper airplanes around. And wheels goes over to missy and starts talking to her. N's then noodles stretches his head over to them while you walk over there "so wheels who's your new friend?" Noodles asked
"Yeah wheels." You say
"Missy, this is noodles we call him that because, well..."
"He stretches and twists like a noodle?" Missy asked.
"Yeah, basically." Noodles says
"Bonjour, Je M'appelle y/n" you say and the three look at you confused.
"Sorry. I forgot, hi my names y/n that's what I said but in french. It's just sometimes I speak french out of no where or sometimes when I'm mad but don't worry I'm not mad it just came out of no where."
"Oh no that's ok. And it's nice to meet you y/n and what are your powers?" Missy asked "You to missy. And my powers are telekinesis and well I can't explain my other power but I think my twin sister can explain it when we get to her because she has the same power except she doesn't have telekinesis" You say And missy nods her head
"And that's ojo, her power is she's a genius drawer. Like Van Gogh mixed with Monet with just a sprinkle of Salvador Dali." Wheels says
"Can I see that?" Missy asked ojo and ojo hands her the iPad.
"A kid standing on top of floating chairs?"
Ojo nods after missy smashed that "an exploding exercise ball?"
"Nothing she draws makes an ounce of sense."
"Is that me?" Missy asked
"Why'd you drawn me in front of the classroom?" Missy asked
"Oh, she won't answer." Noodles says
"She only speaks through her drawings." Wheels says
🎶don't speak I know just what your saying🎶ACapella sings
"No, you don't. You have no clue what she's saying." Noodles says
"And this is ACapella y/n's younger twin."
"It me." ACapella says
"That's yours and y/n's superpower? You two can sing?"
"Yep, but we have an unusual range. We can go low..." she sings low "Or we can go high!" She sings high "we can even go really......"
"I don't hear anything." Missy says
"That's because it's beyond human hearing." You says
"Miss ACapella or Y/n vox would you please refrain from using your high voices. Every dog in the neighbourhood has surrounded our building." Granada says and you guys laugh.
"And they can sing so low that they move objects."

~time skip to when wheels is done introducing everyone~

"So, new girl, what's your superpower?" Wildcard asked
"Yeah, uh, so with the whole powers thing-." Missy was cut off
"Wait a second. I remember you. You're Marcus Moreno's kid." Facemaker says
"Yeah, my dad hasn't gone on any missions for a while, so I've been chilling with the normal kids." Missy says
"Why would they put a kid with superpowers in with the normal kids?" Wildcard asked
"Wildcard don't ." You say
"Oh, I get it. You don't have any powers." Wildcard says
"Your powerless?" Wheels asked
"Whatever. Can we put on the tv? I wanna see if there's any news about our parents" Missy says
"It doesn't matter if she's powerless or not she's still one of us." You say
"Thanks, y/n" Missy says
"No problem missy. And you Wildcard you need to stop being a jerk to everyone you need to focus more on practicing your powers other than being a jerk." You say and walk to your seat and they turn the tv on

~Time skip I'm not going to go through all the tv detail.~

"Children, for your own safety, we are going into full lockdown. No one leave your seats. As long as you stay where you are, you are all safe." Granada says and the tv goes away? I don't know ok
"Yeah, right they can't protect us from that. We just saw it." Noodles said
"You got a better idea?" Wildcard asked
"We should probably order what miss Granada says." Guppy says
"Uh, pardon me, but-." You here missy say but they all talk over her so you whistle.
"What?" Wildcard says
"Missy has something to say so won't you all just listen avant que Je vous fasse tous flotter dans les airs" they all look at you confused
"She's mad that's why she's talking french right now." ACapella says
"Yes I am mad and I said 'before I make you all float in The air' so now won't you guys just listen to what missy has to say." You said to them all
"Thanks y/n and we need to leave this room right now." Missy says
"Why?" Guppy asked
"Because the aliens know where we are, and they're coming for us next." Missy explains and facemaker makes a weir confused face and wildcard scoffs
"How could you possibly know that?" He asked not believing one word she said


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