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~time skip~

"Hey, is that up dog?" Facemaker asked
"What's up dog?" The guard asked confused
"Not much. Just living my best life over here. Not like I'm totally up to no good or anything." Facemaker smirks and gets back into the room and the guards follow Him in
"So don't ask us how we know this, but aliens are about to attack, and we're no longer safe here." Missy says to the guards
"This place is a fortress. Nothings getting in. And I'm afraid no ones getting out, either. Those are the rules" the guard says
"Oof! Then we're definitely getting out of here, and so we're gonna need your access cards. Like, now." Missy says and the Hurd chuckles
"And you think we'll just hand these to you?"
"No but it would have made this a whole lot easier. cushions" the boys come over with the cushions and put them in front of the guards
"What at these for."
"Tell em' guppy."
"To protect butts when you hit the ground." Guppy says
"Why don't you get back in line." The guard says and guppy grabs his arm and flips him onto the cushion. "Oh, no! She's got shark strength!" The guard yells.
"Have a nice nap." Guppy says to the guard that she kicked into the swing chair and a guard tries to come up behind guppy but you make him float in the air and then dropped him and then noodles gets the cards from the guards and hands one to missy.
"Aliens really are about to attack, so we'll have to leave your expert care until you and miss Granada know was we know." Missy says
"NO!" You say because you see the guard going to press the button you were going to make him float in the air but it was to late "how can I be so dumb I can't even make him float on time" you say to yourself while hitting your head with your hands
"Hey don't be to hard on yourself it wasn't your fault" noodle says to calm you down and it worked a little
"Noodles, you'll take his jacket and cuff them." Missy says
"What next time? You kids aren't-." He gets cut off by a noise in the vent and then tentacles coming out and the guard screams
"I told you your plan wouldn't work!" Wildcard yells and the tentacles grab him
"No!" Missy yells you try holding wildcard back with your telekinesis but the tentacles arm a little stronger than you are "rewind, send us back." Missy tells rewind and he does that and you go back to where missy explains everything again and the guard was about to press the button again but Wheels ran his legs over and noodles cuffs him up and takes the other guards jacket and cuffs him up to.
"C'mon let's go." Missy says
"Single file line! Like a fire drill. We'll be questioned less!" Wheels says
"Let's go! lets go! let go!" Missy says getting everyone out "noodles stretch and make yourself tall!"
"Greetings fello grown ups." Noodles says
"Hold on one sec. Hey!" The woman yells but you guys continue walking and the alarm goes off again and you guys start running and missy dropped Granada you couldn't help but laugh at Granada who is on the ground
"Y/n come on we don't have time to laugh."
"Ok Ok I'm sorry noodles." You say
And as you were all about to escape bars showed up in front of the door
"We're in trouble." Guppy says
"Ah! Shi-." You look and see guppy behind you "seaweed" you said replacing the word you were going to say and guppy roles her eyes at you. And you guys run the other way
"That was our only exit!" Missy says
"Not our only one!" Wild card points to the opening at the top
"How are we supposed to get up there?" Fast forward asked
"ACapella or y/n? You both can make furniture float. Can you two do the same with people?" Missy asked
"To go high, I have to sing very...." ACapella was about to but you cut her off
"I got this." You say and sing low to make the guards float
"Climb as fast as you can!" Wildcard said when they were up you had to use your telekinesis to bring Slo-Mo up faster
"Don't let them follow us." Missy says
🎶au revoir![bye]🎶 you sang and the guards fell on pillows.

(A/n: I'm not feeling to good I feel like throwing up)

"Noodles, the access cards!" Wildcard yells out and you all get into the tram
"We did it" fast forward said
"Yeah, we did." Missy says
"But the tram will only take us to just outside the force field, then they'll catch us for sure." Wheels says "look they're already mobilising!" He yells
"Brace yourselves." Missy says and everyone holds on to something but guppy didn't "you to guppy." And guppy slams her hand on the pole
"ACapella or y/n, make us fly." Wildcard said
"I got this one." ACapella says and starts to make you guys fly and everyone cheers but you because your scared of heights and you close your eyes
"She can't steer!" Missy says "we'll crash right into that building!"
We need to change directions!" Wheels says
"I'm on it!" Noodles says and then he helps change the directions by using his arms you were just on your seat with your eyes closed and knees by your chest rocking back and forth
"What's up with y/n?" Missy asked
"Oh, right She's scared of heights." Fast forward says

A/n: that's all for now I gotta get to first period on zoom in about 11 minutes

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