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A/n: I'm also giving you guys another power that you guys didn't know you had just wait to find out what it is

~Time skip to when you get into the mother ship because I'm lazy no surprise there~

"I'm gonna go check it out." Noodles says and then stretches his head to look he then brings his head back "we're all good."
"Am I just really small, or is this ship really big?" Guppy asked
"It's enormous." Rewind says
"Yeah. How are we going to find our parents?" Fast forward asked
"I was thinking about that. Ms.Granada found us really easily back at Grandmas house, and I think I know how, your bracelet." Wheels points out
"I haven't been able to contact my dad." Missy says
"But maybe the transmitter in here that connects the two bracelets works like a tracking device. But I need a pair of pliers and a heat source."
"My teeth are strong because my dads a shark." Guppy says
"And I've got a heat source." Wildcard says "heat vision." He turns into a toaster.
"now he's a toaster." Facemaker says and noodles takes Wildcard to wheels and bread pops out.
"Close enough." Wheels says


"Is it working?" Wheels asked missy.
"Well, it's leading us somewhere." Missy says back to wheels and continues leading the group and talks to wildcard while walking
"Um, guys does anybody els hear that?" ACapella asked.
"It's below us. I can feel it." Wheels says then a tentacle comes out of the ground and you all run.
"Which way?" Facemaker asked
"That way!" Missy says as the door opens and then a tentacle comes out in front of you all and ACapella tries to keep it still with her powers so you can all get through

~a little skip~

"Watch it." Facemaker says when they push him in
"Enlève tes tentacules de moi!" (I don't know if that is correct but if it is here is what it was supposed to or does say: 'get your tentacles of of me!') then they throw all of you in and then they threw Slo-Mo in
"Quit the pantomime, Slo-Mo. You didn't even scrap a knee." Wildcard says and Slo-Mo shrugs slowly
"You're an idiot Wildcard it's not his fault and you know it so I'd suggest that you shut up or I'll make you shut up." You tell him.
"What are you gonna do sing me a song?"
"Oh that's the last straw mr" you try jumping at him but noodles holds you back "hands off of me!"
"Will you stay calm?" Noodles asked you
"Yes I will" you lie
"Don't she's lying she's my sister and I know when she's lying."
"Ok ok fine I won't." You say and sit on the floor or was that just an illusion? And you run and jump on wildcard and facemaker and ACapella get you off of him.
"H-how'd you get to him if your right here?" Wheels points to your illusion
"Wow. Another power? Cool!" And you make the illusion go away
(Forgot to say the Granada and them already left I just wanted to try my own thing on here.)
They all look at you like you're crazy
"Don't look at me like that." You say to them
"But you already know how to use it even though you just found out about that power." ACapella says
"What can I say I'm just awesome." You say

~skip to when you guys get out of that room~

"Wheels how much time do we have?" Missy asked him
"eighteen minutes." He answered
"Than we need to hurry if we want to stop the takeover."
"Us? Are you nuts? We have to go free our parents and let them handle it." Wildcard says
"No! There's no time for that! By the time we get there, they-." Missy was cut off by Wildcard
"No! I'm through listening to you. When I woke up, this morning everything was perfect, then you come along and everything's a mess. If little miss no-powers is who you want as a leader, fine, follow her straight into alienville. But facemaker and I are gonna go get our parents." Wildcard says
"We are?" Facemaker asked
"Yes. Right now."
"Guys, we have to stick together. Guys! What can you do. Some people are just-." Missy gets cut off by wheels
"Forget him. We need to get to the rocket so I can stop it before it launches." Wheels says
"How are you so sure you can do that?"
"Because everything the aliens build is super intuitive to use, almost like it was designed by children to operate. Get me close I'll turn it off." Wheels explains

Words: 790

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