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~Time Skip~

"[scream] my begonias! Get out of my flower bed, you little termites!" Anita yells to you guys
"Hi, abuelita!" Missy says
"Ah,ah! Missy! Come say hello to your grandma!" Anita says and you get out of the tram all shaky
"You ok y/n?" Fast forward asked
"Mhm" you hmm a little shaken up and your whole body was shaking
"Here I'll help you." Fast forward says putting your arm around her shoulder helping you over to the others.
"Thanks." You say with a shaky voice.
"No problem, that's what friends are for." You both get over to the others
"We're in trouble, Grandma, and we need a place to hide." Missy says
"To hide? You're gonna need to do a lot more than that. That thing is moving into position." Anita says
"She's right.we only have two hours left. Won't be long until takeover begins."wheels says
"Everybody, get inside. Come, come." Anita says and fast forward is still helping you since your still shaking and ain't asked you "you ok sweetheart?" She asked and you nod.
"She's just kinda scared of heights so she was like this in the tram." Fast forward explains to Anita

~Time skip~

"Grandma, I've been trying to do that my whole life, so if you have any ideas, I'm all ears." Wildcard says and facemaker makes his ears huge behind wildcard and wildcard turned and glared at him and you all laugh
"Um, it's not about who's the strongest or fastest. It's about working together, and that's why we'll need someone to be the leader." Anita says
"That would be me." Wildcard says
"I was talking about missy, but thank you." [REJECTED] "follow me. Quickly quickly fast fast."
"But I'm the leader."
"He's right and I'm totally ok with that." Missy says
"Well, I'm not. And we don't have time to argue. So, what I say goes." Anita says
"Yes, ma'am." Wildcard says
"Hmm. Welcome to my training ground. Let's boogie"

~a little skip to your turn to fight the robot thing~

It tries to come at you you hold it in the air and drop it and it gets back up and it tries to grab you and you twist it onto it's back and it fades away you guys all start training except for missy
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, wrong way! You're going the wrong way!" Facemaker tells guppy and she growls at him and goes after him and noodles tries to stop her but she's stronger than him and wild card hold onto noodles to try and hel and you use your telekinesis to try and hold her to but again it still didn't work
"Guppy, stay calm!" Missy says "guppy! You're in shark frenzy! Attacking even your friends. Your powers are useless if you don't stay calm and focused. Go meditate!" Missy tells guppy
Slo-Mo got hit with one of the punching bags that were swinging when he tried going through all of them "someone catch Slo-Mo!" Missy yells "noodles! I mean, no, facemaker!"
"What? Who? Make up your mind." The twins say at the same time not you and ACapella the other twins
"I got him!" Noodles says but accidentally hit the thing out of ACapellas hands and it hit rewind in the head and then nnodles falls backwards on facemaker and and you and grabs Wheels on accident
"Listen to me!" Missy yells.
"Slo-Mo you never do anything right" Wildcard says


"They sure found you fast" Anita says
"They wanna take us back to headquarters." Facemaker says
"Well to bad. We've got a world to save." Missy says
"Hmm." Anita hums and then presses a button on her cane and a tunnel appears behind the bushes. "Go through this tunnel. I'll hold them off. Go, go, go, go, go!" Anita says and you all go down the slide into the tunnel and when you get down noodle help you. And then missy comes and facemaker and ACapella help her.
"Guys? Come on!" Missy says
"It sure is dark in here." Says guppy
"Ojo can I use your flashlight for a minute?" Missy asked ojo and ojo gave her the iPad. "We just have to stick... together."
"Yeah and find a way up to the mothership, and defeat the aliens who defeated all the heroics." Wildcard said
"What could we do differently from our parents?" Wheels questions
"Everything. Like we lure the aliens out of the cities, so that we don't destroy more buildings." Missy says
"She's right. Our parents always have huge brawls in the middle of the most populated cities." Rewind agreed with missy.
"Don't we need superhero costumes?" Guppy asked
"All superheroes have costumes. Pads, fake muscles, tons of useless buckles." Fast forward says.
"Underwear on the outside." You and ACapella say at the same time.
"Mask you can nearly see out of."rewind says.

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