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"That's it there!"
🎶we're gonna make it after all🎶 ACapella sings
", we're not." Fast forward says and you guys start running the other way but the door starts closing and more guards come
"Uh, guys?" Rewind says "what do we do now?" He asked"missy?" 
"Why do you seem so calm?" Noodles asked missy.
"Because we have something they don't know about, a secret weapon." Missy says
"We do?" Wheels asked
"Yeah. Teamwork! Alone our powers are special, but together we're unstoppable! Slo-Mo, attack! ACapella and y/n eardrums. Rewind, take them down! Guppy? Guppy?" One guy makes fun of Slo-Mo for being slow but Slo-Mo punches him in the stomach and flips him on his back while you were fighting some of the guards you see guppy come out
"Everyone stand back!!" Missy shouts
("I wanna scream and shout and let it all out and scream and shout and let it out" JAIEBDJ I'm sorry I had 😭🤚)
You all stand away and rewind gets out of the guards grip and stands away from guppy and he stands next to you
"Are you ok?" You asked him
"Oh, yeah, yeah I'm fine." He says breathing heavily and you giggle a bit noodles looks over and glared at rewind if looks could kill rewind would've been dead because noodles was just a tad bit jealous
"Noodles, Chin-up bar." Wheels says "go." And his wheel chair runs the guards over and the drop Like bowling ball pins
"great job wheels" missy says and you and ACapella are fighting some guards
"Go, ACapella and y/n." And when ACapella tries to break the guards arm her arm turns into a tentacle so ACapella let's go and you two walk to the others
"Ew!" Missy says

~time skip because I'm lazy~

"Not a problem, not a problem all I have to do is reprogram the rockets main contr-." He gets cut off by a force field surrounding the pyramid of
"What is that?" Rewind asked
"Maybe its a... a force field?!" Wheels says
"No, no, no, we were so close!" Missy says
"But there's no one here but us." You and ACapella say in unison
"Who did this?" Noodles asked
"I did." Ojo says and you all turn to her
"Ojo, did you just talk?" Noddles asked her
"I could always talk, I simply chose to observe and listen instead. And what I heard was chaos, dysfunction, disharmony, just like your parents." Ojo says
"But that ma not true. We were working together." Missy says
"We're you? Than where's wildcard?"
"Good question. Hey, Wildcard, old buddy. Are you in the sips control room yet?"
"I sure am." Wildcard says on the speaker

~another time skip to when missy leads the last two monsters with her because I'm lazy and I'm in class~

You,  ACapella and your mom start to sing

🎶 I🎶
🎶I will be king🎶
🎶and you, you will be queen🎶
🎶and nothing. No, nothing could tear us apart...🎶
🎶oh we can be hero's🎶
🎶just for one day🎶
🎶we can be hero's🎶
🎶just for one day🎶
🎶we can be hero's🎶
🎶just for one day🎶
Missy signals noodles to let her drop
🎶oh, and we can beat them🎶
🎶forever and ever🎶
🎶than we can be hero's🎶
🎶just for one day🎶
Than noodle grabs missy before she could fully fall and she waves to the monsters
🎶than we can be heros🎶
🎶just for one day🎶

"How's it going wheels?" Missy asked wheels as she hugs everyone
"Great, all we have to do is swap out the ignition chambers motherboard with one that'll tell it that it launched even though it didn't. That way we fooled it-." Wheels gets cut off by noodles
"Dude just tell us how long." You smack noodle arm
"Do be rude." You tell him and he puts his arms up in defeat
"Oh, now long. Now put it in the ignition chamber up there." Wheels tells noodles and the ignition gets slapped out of noddles hand by ojo's drawing
"Oh, no. Noodles!" Missy says

A/m: that's it for now I'll finish another chapter soon

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