Chapter 5 -Alpha-bastard

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As I silently crept through alleyways, looking for someone to kill, my heart began pounding. What if I had already killed everyone? And there was no-one else to kill? Suddenly, an echoing scream filled the air .Finally! I raced towards the sound, hoping with all my might that the person who owned the scream was alright. Turning a corner I noticed a young girl crouched on the floor ; a shadow of a man loomed over her.
'Dont let me ever see you here again! ' he shouted .But it wasn't much of a shout, more a growl.Something I had never heared before.Strange, very strange. Then, as if someone had turned a light on in my brain, I remembered.
Werewolves. I had only encountered them once in my life.And even that was only from distance.As I anxiously watched the man walk away I crept up to the girl.Reaching out to help her up, I noticed she was shaking.badly.
'Are you alright?Don't worry, I wont hurt you! 'I reassured she was sure scared.scared-the understatement of the century.
'I-Im f-f-fine.I hate that bastard .He's the fucking Alpha.I wish he wasn't.' she stammered, tears relentlessly running down her tired looking face.poor girl.
'What's your name? ' I gently questioned.I mean, if im gonna talk to someone, I should at least know their name first.
'Maddie.Short for Madeline.Whats yours?' She weirily asked.sweet girl ;nice name.
'Ash.Short for Ash.' I smiled. Maddie laughed .To be honest,her laugh is quite contagious.blimey, it wasn't even that funny! We talked for another few minutes,about home and life and basically just random stuff that popped into our heads .so fun.I dont know why, but I never,ever, ever have these conversations with Becca and Bella.Weird, its like we've known each other all our lives.stupid alpha-bastard .You know why I said that? HE CAME BACK .I'll say this now, I FUCKING hate him.
'Oi! You!  Get away from her! ' he growled unnecessarily.
'Alpha, dont be mean to her, she's my friend.' I felt relieved when she said this so I shot her a quick, friendly, smile.
'I dont fucking give a shit if she's your friend,she's human!' what a bastard! He doesn't know it, but im definitely not  human.If I was human then why would I be so good at killing people? Being trained? If thats what you think of me, put this book down and move onto a different fandom. Cus thats not me ;boo you make me sound like a liar! OMG. Anyway,im not human.
'Yo twat face! If you think im human you've got another thin-' But before I could finish my sentence, my breathing had been stopped.
'Bitch, dont you ever, EVER say that to me! You are human, and you know it .' What a bastard.I swear,if he was my Alpha, I would be long gone!' Poor, poor Maddie.She has to put up with this day in, day out. When the Alpha-bastard had finally set me down and disappeared and stormed off, I asked her,
'How the actual fuck do you put up with this? '
'H-h-he's my f-f-f-.....'she seemed unable to finish so I stayed patient, and didn't push her into telling me.Finally, after many minutes of calming her down, she finished her sentence :
'He's m-my father  ' she whispered.

My new updating day is Saturday, sorry I didn't tell you sooner. But remember,


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