I'll Be Right Back

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Todorki put on his jacket and was walking out the door before I grabbed his hand. I didnt notice how could his hands were. 

"What do you want to eat." I say

"I can just eat something when I get home." He smiles

"Its getting really late though, I can just make you something. What do you like?"

His face turns light red contrasting his scar. 

"Um Ramen will be fine."

"Ok I'll have it ready when you get back." I let go of his hand and smiled.

Todoroki's POV

I need to learn to cool it. She probably feels like I just invaded her personal space. I dont know how to tell I dont want to go back home. They wouldnt even notice if I was gone. I feel bad using this as an excuse to not go home. My face is so red and its embarrassing. My head is spinning, but the cool air his helping me focus. Momo always talks about Akira and how amazing she is. I want to understand her and be friends with her. 

"Would you stop doing that!" I yell at myself for blushing knowing I want to be more than friends with her. I envy Kirishima and I wanted that to be me. I would have never done it like that though. I know shes acting ok now but when she broke down I seriously didnt know what do. All I could do was hug her. Shes so strong, and beautiful, if she ever payed attention at lunch I would be in trouble because all I do is look at her. 

"Fucking stop it" I mumble under my breathe, I know its never gonna happen so why does my face keep turning a deeper shade of red. She doesnt like me, she's only making me dinner as a thank you for what happened with Kirishima. She hardly even knew I was alive until today. I still cant help my thoughts from racing on about the what ifs. Like what if it was me who kissed her. I can only imagine how soft her lips are or how her breathe feels on my ear. My mind wont stop and I dont want to make it stop. 

The gas station is really close. Most of them sell bandages so this should work. As I enter the flouresent lights hit my face and blind me for a second. I walk around the store looking for bandages. 

Drinks, snacks, snacks, snacks Jesus how many snack aisles are there?

I walk up to the cashier and no ones there. 

"Hello?" I hollered.

"Sorry I'll be out in a sec." A guy who sounded familiar said. 

"I just need to know where the bandaids are, my friend got hurt walking home from school." 

"Oh theyre in the last aisle in the back, sorry about your friend." He hollered

"She'll be fine, at least I think so." 

I heard his footsteps walk out to the front. I was all the way in the back and couldnt see him. I just wanted to find the bandaids and get back to Akira. 

"So uh what happened to your friend?" he said

"Well uh she uh she had a bad day and cut her knee on a rock"

"Dude im sorry bro" he replied. 

"I think shes gonna be ok, shes trying to act like everything is fine but I think shes a little shaken up." I laughed

"She actually doesnt even know me that well she just looked like she needed someone to be there for her today." I said to the cashier. I grabbed the bandages and walked to the front. I dropped them where I stood when I saw him. 


He stared at me his face contorting from anger to shock. 

"You- she- you..." He could barely speak until the only words he said were "Is she ok?"

I knelt down and picked up the bandages and walked over to him. "I'd like to buy these please." 

Jealousy and anger filled my viens. I wanted to punch him in the face. I wanted to ask him what her lips felt like. I wanted to scream at him. I tried to remain calm but I set the bandaid in my hand on fire I didn't even notice until kirishima pointed it out to me. I put it out and grabbed another thing of Band-Aids set a 5 on the counter and left. I heard the bell from the door opening behind me as his voice holler out.

"Wait please! Is she ok!?"

He started running to me and grabbed my jacket. 

"Please Todoroki, is she ok."

I brushed him off me and looked him in the face.

"No shes not ok. Shes pretending she is but shes not. You left her blindsided. You told her you loved her, kissed her and wouldnt let her go. Shes scared and shes alone right now. Fuck you"

He fell to his knees and started crying. I walked off and heard in the distance.

"Im sorry Akira."

I dont care what he feels right now I just want to make sure shes ok. I walked towards her house and couldnt shake my thoughts off of Kirishima. The entire time I just felt angry, until I saw her house. I stepped towards the door and grabbing the doorknob I felt my anger float away.

When I opened the door I couldn't find Akira. I went upstairs hoping she was just in her room. Her bedroom door is closed and I don't hear anything, I think she might be asleep. I open the door and see her slender figure. Her shirt and skirt are off and her fingers moved for the clip in her bra. I closed the door shut hoping she didn't notice. My heart started racing and I could picture nothing but her body. I felt a yearning to open the door again but instead I just knocked.
"Akira, I got the bandaids... Can I come in?" I stammered embarrassed.
"Sure one second I need to change my skirt had some blood on it so I figured id just get into so pajamas."
"Oh ok" I said flustered. I can't stop picturing her body. I want to hold her close, I want to watch her unclip her bra. Oh my god what the fuck is wrong with me?
"Hey Todoroki, I know this might sound weird, but we have a spare bedroom and I wouldn't feel comfortable having you walk home this late. It's almost 11pm and you still haven't eaten. My parents are never home so you can just sleep in the guest room if you want."

"Are you sure that's ok?"

"Yes..." She went quiet then spoke softly."I've never really told anyone this but I hate being alone. My parents are always gone I feel like the only person in the world who cares about me is Momo but she never really talks to me outside of school. It's stupid and I shouldn't have said any of this but I really want you to stay, please."
I opened the door, not caring if she was naked or wearing 50 sweaters. I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her.
"I'll stay with you tonight."

𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓣𝓸𝓭𝓸𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓲𝔁𝓞𝓒Where stories live. Discover now