The trip back

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I couldn't tell how many days had past. Akira was still on my chest her hair sprawled out all over the place. Her chest rising and falling and her freezing skin touching my body. Dried blood covered her face and mine. Even so she was truly beautiful, I knew this upon our encounter at the hospital. I wish I hadn't acted the way I did but to be honest it was partially her fault. It was hot though, it was really really hot, and I didn't know she had that side to her. Part of me wishes she wasn't thinking about icy hot though. I sighed lifting myself up cradling Akiras head. Pain shot throughout my body and I bit my lip tasting blood. Nontheless I stood carrying her frail body in my arms. She had lost weight and alot of it. Actually she had lost muscle. Parts of her body still remained plump and beautiful, some less beautiful and more... Hot. I shouldn't be thinking about this right now but the only thing I could think about was her. How she wanted me to kiss her, how in that moment she wanted me on top of he-STOP I need to focus. I had been walking for about 15 minutes before I needed to stop and that's when she woke up.

Her eyes crescendoed fluttering open. Thankfully we were at a bus stop and a store sat firmly behind us. I let her sit on the bench keeping my eyes glued to her as I walked in the store. People would ask questions if I carried a practically naked girl into the store, who was also covered in blood. I grabbed the first shirt and pants I saw and walked out without being stopped by anyone. I threw the clothes in Akira thanking God that they fit her.

When the bus arrived I stepped on carrying Akira to her seat and setting her down. I walked forward to the driver.

"We need to go to UA"

"I go, where the route tells me to go."

I grabbed the collar of his shirt pulling him close growling,"Take us to UA NOW!"

He nodded frantically closing the doors and driving frantically afraid of the thug who sat 4 rows behind him with a bloodied body.

Bakugo held Akira in his arms cradling her from the bumpy ride. She had been awake for awhile but unspoken for her fear of his words, and worst of all his actions. He was probably angry at her for making escaping more difficult but this couldn't be farther from the truth. In all honesty she was the only reason he escaped, the only thing that pushed him to fight. But he couldn't let her know that and in a gruff unforgiving voice he growled
"Forget everything I said in their. I only saved you because I would have gotten in trouble if I didn't."
Akiras heart pitter pattered and she wanted to cry. Her eyes became moist and he immediately regret what he said.
"Why the fuck are you crying?"
With no answer he just rolled his eyes and fell asleep against the glass pane of the bus window. As Bakugo slept Akira remained wide awake processing everything that had happened until the bus stopped outside of the school gates. Akira nudged Bakugo trying to wake him up only to result in cursing as he pushed her off of him.

Your POV
"Forget everything I said in their. I only saved you because I would have gotten in trouble if I didn't."
Those words stuck in my head the entire ride there. I could hear Bakugo breathing my ear pressed to his chest his arms still wrapped around me. It was probably the most peaceful I'd ever see him. I felt is hand on my legs start to move his thumb pressing into my thigh rubbing calming circles. His breathe hitched and he squeezed my leg let out a soft sob. A small tear fell down his face. I can't imagine what they did to him.

I nudged him as the bus came to a stop. He woke up screaming and pushing me off of him. I fell onto the floor watching his eyes fill and receed with terror realizing where he was. He let out a scoff and reached his arm out giving me his hand.

When we stepped off the bus the gates of UA greeted us. Students from every grade stood outside gawking at us. A pair or heterochromic eyes met mine. He dropped everything he was holding and ran towards to gate pushing it open and wrapping his arms around me.

"Oh my god Akira! What happened to you?!"

"Oh, but ignore the guy who saved her" Bakugo scoffed.

Shoto released me from his embrace to glare at Bakugo.
"What happened?"

Bakugo walked off waving his hand in the air brushing Todoroki off.
"I'd rather not repeat it, so just listen closely when the teachers inevitably demand the story."

Todoroki turned his attention back to me. Worry filled his usually expressionless place.

"Come with me, we need to get you to the infirmary" he said preparing to pick me up.

I stepped back blushing.

"I-I'm fine, there's no need for that."

Todoroki sighed and lifted up the lower half of my torso that was wrapped in bandages.
"Then what's this?"
"It's just a burn, it's not that bad." I stammered.
He poked my side and I recoiled in pain falling to my knees clenching my waist. I felt his hands scoop me up and carry me dispite my resistance. It was nice to look at his face, a face too similar to Dabis. Why, why were they so similar? I reached my hand to his face, looking into his eyes. His footsteps stopped and his face inquired into what I was doing. The longer I looked into his eyes the more I wanted to cry. I pulled my hand back looking away wiping tears from my cheek avoiding my bruised neck.

Minutes passed until we finally reached the infirmary. Todoroki set me down gently on the bed and we waiting for recovery lady to come back.

"You were gone for 5 days." He whispered "I was scared you weren't going to come back. You can't do that Akira, please don't do that."

Todoroki stared at the floor his hair covering his face as a tear fell from his cheek.

"I didn't leave on purpose... Someone took me. Someone sick enough to confuse my emotions and manipulate my very wants and needs. He took me like I was a toy or a piece of property that needed to be claimed."

I swung my legs over the side of the bed and lifted my shirt slowing unwrapping the bandages around my waist. The more I took off the more then became saturated with the color red. Todoroki s eyes widened at the final display. A hand shaped burn mark that was oozing and slightly bleeding. Todoroki still stared his mouth agape, but anger apparent. Slowly be started grinding his teeth together growling.
"who did this?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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