No Control

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Akira was sound asleep as drugs flooded through her. She had agreed to the quirk testing so she needed to be unconscious for them to release her quirk. If she was awake who knows what would have happened. Todoroki wanted me to leave but Kirishima insisted that I stay and talk. I didn't mind since Akira was here. Pretty much every guy had a crush on her. Except Todoroki I don't think he likes anyone. However I'm starting to think differently the more I watch him and the way he looks at Akira.

"Um Todoroki do you like Akira?"

Todoroki turned to me his face hiding a blush.

"N-No. Why would you ask that?!"

I had never seen him so flustered. He was always calm and collected.

"Oh you're so full of it Todoroki." Kirishima scoffed.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"I mean Todoroki likes her just as much as we do."

"Wa-wait Wait! I don't like Akira!" I stammered trying to hide it.

"Oh please everyone likes her she just doesn't know it. Including you Midoriya."

"I don't like her she barely knows who Iam!" I yell waving my hands frantically.

Suddenly a loud beeping comes from one of the monitors on the wall.

"What is that noise?"

"It's her heart rate. It's dangerously high for some reason." Todoroki said alert.

Two doctors walked in one checked her pulse and the other began to use his quirk on her. Before he could even touch her Todoroki grabbed his wrist.

"What are you doing?" He spat.

"Woah chill Todoroki." Kirishima said placing his hand on his shoulder.

"He's not a doctor. Look at his lanyard." He said frustrated.

The man was trying to explain himself whilst getting out of his grip. "I'm a physiatrist. I use my quirk to see the dreams of my patients. Something in the subconscious could be causing her heart rate to elevate."

Todoroki let go of his wrist glaring at him the entire time. The doctor placed his hand on her head.  After a second he just laughed and whispered in the doctors ear. He cackled and the doctor walked out.

"Well what's wrong?!" Kirishima exclaimed.

"Well Akira here fanciest visions of one of you shirtless."


I felt an uncontrollable blush rise to my cheeks. Was it because of me staying the night... and my bed attire?
The idea that she would think about me like that sends another shiver down my spine.

"I think you two should leave."

"Like hell I'm gonna leave Todoroki!" Obviously Kirishima wasn't going to leave willingly but I could at least get Deku to leave. I glared at him signaling him to leave.

"I um... I think I'll stay. I was supposed to stay the night for my arm anyways."

I wanted to punch them both in the face but I just let out a loud sigh. I looked down at Akira's arm examining the IVs in her arm. One of the IVs was streaming a fluid to keep her unconscious while the other activated her quirk internally. I couldn't help but wonder what her quirk would be and if it was truly as powerful as they say it is. I placed my hand in hers letting the top of her hand with my thumb. I released my hand to lace my fingers up and down her arm. I stopped as my fingers hit a mark around her upper bicep. I pulled up her sleeve to see deep lashes and cuts.

"Oh Akira" I whispered placing my head on her bed. I've known her since grade school, eaten lunch with her everyday and I never noticed?

Without any choice my body moved on its own. My hand reaching for her cheek. Her body glowed. Like it was actually glowing the veins in her body exploding the vibrant color blue. My body leaned into hers my lips so close to hers.

"Dude what the hell are you doing?!" Kirishima yelled

Deku tried to pull me away. I had no control.

"I don't know what's going on!" I yelled. Panic filled my body. My lips were so close to hers.

"Help me Kirishima! Keep pulling Deku!"

It was no use as my body wouldnt budge. My lips pressed to hers. They were so soft. I pulled close running my fingers through her hair. Akira's eyes opened as my lips departed. With the force of the two boys pulling my feet were no longer stationary and we flew back from the force.

"What the hell was that!?" They both yelled in unison.

"I-I don't know. I couldn't control my body I couldn't even move."

Doctors came rushing in examining Akira as her body glowed.

His lips on mine. It was the first thing I awoke to. The second were doctors. They surrounded me. One was cuffing me to the bed while the other was injecting something into my IV. I began to thrash, screaming.


Kirishima, Todoroki and Midoriya tried to pull them away but to no avail. My vision began to go blurry as my vision locked on Todoroki. We kissed? Then everything went black.

𝓨𝓸𝓾𝓻 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓣𝓸𝓭𝓸𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓲𝔁𝓞𝓒Where stories live. Discover now