🏫Elementary School🏫(Part 1)

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Zoë's POV

I knew elementary school was gonna be awesome! Daddy's always joking about how he got kicked out of five elementary schools in a row. He's so funny.

Still, Mommy and Daddy both freaked out when me and Luke both got into this new school called Poppy Hills Elementary School. I didn't understand why Daddy always said "phes" when he talked about my new school. I kept getting cross and telling him the right words every time, but he still got it wrong. Mommy laughed every time I told the correct answer to Daddy. It was very annoying. I thought Mommy liked correct answers.

Me and Luke both got new stuff for school! I got this awesome blue backpack with a crashing wave and a shark because Daddy looked over my shoulder when I picked it up and said "Good choice, Zoë!" although I don't know what "choice" means.

Luke was so boring when he got his backpack. I told him we could match because there was a pink backpack with a pink glitter wave and a pink dolphin, which looked very close to the shark. But stupid Luke said he didn't like pink and got cross with me though I was only trying to be nice! I hate Luke so much sometimes, I don't want him to be my brother.

Then boring baby Luke got a gray backpack without anything at all! Not even a tiny little spot. I felt so sorry for him and smudged his backpack with a spot of dirt from the bottom of my boring white sneakers, so it would look nicer but Luke got very cross again. Then Mommy saw the dirt and told me I had to "apolugise" to Luke even though I don't know what that means too. So I said "apolugise" to Luke and then Mommy laughed.

Mommy is strange.

I got more boring school stuff like books and pencils and notebooks and more books. But I got two amazing things in my favorite color, a blue shark eraser and blue glitter sneakers with the ocean on them! I decided the shark was my favorite animal and the ocean would be my second favorite thing, after karate, the most amazing thing in the world.

Today I was finally gonna go to elementary school! Daddy and Mommy had to stay home to look after my new baby sister, Silena, so Daddy told me and Luke to be brave and take the yellow bus by ourselves! But Luke can't be brave. He is a scaredy-cat.

Me and Luke stood there with Auntie Piper and Uncle Jason and Jasper because Jasper was taking the bus too. Uncle Jason looked really strange. He had on a bag that wrapped around his waist and two babies sitting there, one in the front and one in the back.

Uncle Jason saw me looking and told me it was a "harnes", for putting babies there. The two babies in the harnes looked the same! The same skin color, the same yellow hair like Uncle Jason's, and the same strange eyes that changed colors like Aunt Piper's. Aunt Piper smiled at the babies and told me they were Skye and Skylar. It was so strange! Even their names were almost the same.

Finally, the big yellow bus stopped in front of Uncle Jason and Aunt Piper's house because we had a sleepover last night at their house, though Jasper was very boring and only wanted to play dollies. Not Karate Babie dollies. Dress-up dollies. Ew.

"Bye, Jas!" Uncle Jason waved to Jasper, then to me and Luke. "You too, guys! Have a nice day at school!"

The bus's door closed with a loud noise. I shook my head to get it out.

The bus was very full already! There was only one seat at the front. I felt a little scared of the driver who was very fat. But then he smiled at us, and I smiled back at him too.

Even though I wasn't scared anymore the seat was so squashed. I had to sit in between the stupid boys, who talked about boring boy stuff.

Never mind. I would get to elementary school soon, then I could get the boys to go away from me.

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