Another Scene, III

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Gary and Stacey were fucking in Gary's stupid Ford Bronco. Gary loved that Ford Bronco, similarly to how I imagine most people love their Ford Broncos, or how most people report that they love coffee: lack of imagination. What else can you drink in the morning? Anybody who owns a Ford Bronco must comment upon it—maybe it's part of the agreement you sign when you buy it, I don't know—like it's unheard of to just think the truck is okay; there is some sort of tradition involved. The truck isn't that big, and it's kind of stuck between an SUV type and a truck type, you sacrifice the best of both of those worlds for a middle combo. At least that's what Stacy was going over again in her head as they fumblefucked in the trunktype portion of it. 

"Oh, does it feel good, Gary?"

"Stacey, I love you... oh," and that was that.

They got out to smoke. Gary didn't like to smoke inside the Bronco. Perhaps just another quirk, Perhaps because he didn't see his commitment, to smoking or to Stacey, lasting that long. Perhaps he didn't see any of his commitments lasting too long, or, perhaps he just never thought about them. His parents were rich, therefore he never had to consider them. There are no commitments when you have rich parents; there are just things you do, and things you never consider, and you don't even know what you don't consider that everyone else is forced to.

"You're still taking birth control, right baby?"

Stacy smirked, "of course." She thought to herself: if his parents are rich, why the fuck does he drive that stupid Ford Bronco?

Stacey lit another cigarette. She smoked some kind of slims, a light menthol flavor, and she somehow never smelled of cigarette smoke. She never seemed to get hungover either. She was always fit, despite rarely working out, and she wanted to write a novel, but she didn't know how to start. So did Gary, but he didn't know how to finish.

They noticed the Teacher awkwardly climbing out of his own car, across the parking lot, with what seemed to be a small banana in his pocket. He hobbled across the lot towards the building and ducked inside. 

Troy pulled up next to them. He did not drive a Ford Bronco. "Guys— coffee?" They climbed in. It was mid-morning, none of them really wanted or needed coffee, but what else do you do? They went to the coffee shop. Troy told them about his ideas to film a porno, but with a good storyline, with subplots, with a deeper meaning; more of an art house fucking; Jarmusch but with cumshots. And maybe true love. Troy thought Stacey might star in it: she had an artsy-slutty look about her, he thought. But he hadn't brought it up just yet.


"So guys, listen to this, it's an idea for a short film." Troy said, "once, I was at a wedding, and I was watching this other girl... not sure who she was, she wasn't in the bridal party, she was just another guest, I guess... anyway I was just watching her, man, and sweating. It was a summer wedding but it wasn't too hot... I couldn't get a great look at her but she was driving me wild, I was driving myself wild just watching her, man. She was blonde, she was a little short, she was trim, she had a dress unlike anyone else's dress there, maybe homemade or something, I don't know, pretty nice, and she wasn't wearing SHOES. Everyone else was wearing shoes, but it was an outdoor wedding and she wasn't wearing any. She was, like, dancing around, smiling, man I was just DAYDREAMING watching her move. She was moving effortlessly, man, I was imagining all kinds of things ... anyway, so I'm watching her throughout this wedding, right, sneaking some glances, and the wind is blowing, right, couple gusts a couple of times. Then, a gust came through, and blew her dress right up over her head! RED PANTIES! This whole time she had been with a friend, and they both laughed it over, pulled the dress back down, kind of pulled each other close or hugged, just laughing, man. And that was it. That was what I remember happening from this wedding. Those red panties, man, they were like a SECRET— and I was with my girlfriend at the time, I sure didn't point it out to her (laughs)— but those red panties, those tan legs —now that I'm thinking about it again she was tan all over, I didn't notice a single tan line— it was a secret, like an easter egg hidden in this wedding. I can't say anyone else even noticed it, it was so subtle, I was just in the right place and looking the right way at the right time. Those red panties, a secret. That's my short film, man, at least the main gist of it. That's the idea, I want to re-create it."


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2021 ⏰

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