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After witnessing the blood and letting out a blood curling scream Chenle heard rushed footsteps coming towards his room and the boys heart began pounding fast, he has never been more scared in his life.

In rushed steps he quickly slid under the bed and covered his mouth to not make any further noises. Under the bed it was even more disgusting; dust everywhere, bugs crawling across the wooden flooring, and stains of god knows what across the ground.

Chenle looked up after hearing the door open and held his breath, tightening his grip on his mouth. He only saw what looked to be legs although they were completely metal. They were the shape of legs but metal; were they robots? If they were there was zero way he could beat a robot in a fight, even one of his strong older friends, Lucas, wouldn't be able to.

The Chinese boy watched as the metal legs were still and facing in his direction and Chenle still had tears folding down his cheeks while watching it. It looked like it knew where he was and was waiting to see if he would be stupid enough to get out or make a noise and if he didn't it would pop down and drag him out from under the bed.

But still, with those thoughts, he didn't risk it. Chenle kept his hands clammed over his mouth with his eyes never leaving the pair of 'legs' that were faced in his direction. After what seems like years the legs finally began to move and luckily in the opposing direction. After the thing had left and closed the door Chenle waited a bit over a minute before getting out and holding his chest, backing away from the bed and leaning against the old vanity. When will this end? Will it ever end?


Renjuns lips were pressed into a thin line as he was hidden under the large bed, almost bursting out into tears. He heard the door finally creak open and he wished for the best, whatever it was it would hopefully not find him. After opening the door shut and Renjun immediately knew he was doomed. This 'thing' would search everywhere and eventually find him, he was in the most obvious spot after all. He would not check under a bed?

"Renjun?" he heard a soft voice ask and it sounded almost too comforting. He couldn't let this soft voice of a monster bring him out. "Renjun I'm not one of those creations although I did nearly became a snack for one of them. Now that I think about it, I'd be very tasty. They missed out."

Renjun did his best not to scoff at the words. This had to be one of the creatures trying to bring him out.

"Renjun I know you're in here. It's Jaemin, number five. After hearing that you were below me I busted up the courage to come down from the attic although it was very risky I made it. Please come out, I'm scared too. I don't want to be alone as much as you."

Renjuns eyes widened at that. Was this really Jaemin? He had no idea since he'd never heard or seen 'Jaemin' in real life, he's only seen his texting on the cracked tablet screen and the talking of the person right now did feel similar to the way Jaemin talked on the chat. Should he trust him? He didn't know.

"Renjun," he heard the voice of 'Jaemin' once again. "I know you're under the bed, I just checked the chat. I won't force you to come out. I'll allow you to come out at your own will but please do soon so we can talk about what's happening together."

Renjun finally mustered up the courage to come out, this sounded very believable and he even checked the chat. This had to be the Jaemin guy.

He slid himself out from under the bed with a tiny groan and sat up, looking up to the other boy in the room and Renjun couldn't lie, he was extremely charming. He had natural black hair with a plain white shirt and black adidas pants, the boy in front of him pulling off the simple lazy outfit very well.

"Well hello there," Jaemin grinned. "You look very different from the impression I had of you."

"What do you mean?"

Jaemin tapped his chin with a small smile etched across his features. "You're cute. No homo."

A blush formed across Renjuns face before he pushed it off, shaking his head. "We're in a life or death situation right now, number five. No time for that."

"Awe you remembered my number!" Jaemin reached forward to pinch Renjuns cheeks but the shorter smacked his hand away with a cold glare but even with that stone cold look, Jaemin was still as smiley as ever. "Playing hard to get, me like."

Renjun sighed. Why was someone like Jaemin brought into a situation like this and especially brought with himself. "I didn't come out from under that bed for you to flirt. We need to discuss what's happening and how we got here. What were you doing before you woke up here? Last night."

Jaemin sat down on the bed and gestured for Renjun to sit as well. After Renjun sat down beside the boy he started to answer the Chinese males question. "Last night I was just working my late night shift and I didn't get home until late, it was nothing special. I remember falling asleep in my bed and then waking up in that scary old attic."

Renjun nodded. "Similar thing happened to me. I was just chilling at home last night then went to bed in my own bed and woke up here, it's weird. Who brought us here and why exactly us? Why would they specifically sneak into our homes and take us out of all other people in the country. Was it just a coincidence?"

Jaemin shrugged. "It definitely could be a coincidence. I'm sure that if it wasn't us here right now and if it were other people they'd have the same or similar thoughts; wondering if they were chosen specifically or chosen by random."

Renjun pursed his lips. With Jaemins precious playful manner he didn't think the younger could get so serious, it was strange but he liked it. He wouldn't be able to stand it if Jaemin was always playful in a situation like this where they could be slaughtered at any given moment.

"Should we go onto the chat?" Renjun asks with a quiet voice, staring at the wall in front of himself instead of making eye contact with Jaemin, feeling the boys gaze from the side. "We should tell the others that we're together and try find a way to get all of us together. The more the merrier."

"Don't you like being alone with me?" Jaemin teased, nudging at the boys shoulder with his own.

Renjun scoffed, turning to look at Jaemin. How could the raven haired boy be so comfortable after their first meeting. "No, no I don't."

"Hmph. Very well then."


hope you enjoyed. have a fantastic morning/day/afternoon/night!

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