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Chenle felt squished. His surroundings were completely black and he was in a tight space, the vent. His breathing was raggedy and he didn't know what his next move could be. He raised his hands up and clutched them onto the vent trying his best to tear it off so he could make his escape but it wouldn't budge, not even the slightest bit.

The other two males rushed over in direction of the vent after hearing the Chinese call them, only to be left in surprise. "Chenle, where did you go..?"

"I-I'm in the vent, please help me take it off. I can't-"

"Chenle, the vent isn't here. It's gone. There's only a wall," Jisung spoke in a low voice, his mind too puzzled as of right now. Both him and Jeno hadn't seen what had happened. The place the vent had been located was now covered with a wall though they could still hear Chenles voice from inside.

"B-But the vent is here, I'm touching it. I can see you two from in between the gaps."

"Impossible," Jeno mumbled,  crouching down and placing his hands on the wall, trying to feel around for any sort of reasoning.

"Jeno you're touching it, can you not feel it? Can't you see me?"

"I can't feel anything other than the wall.. Jisung, pass me your knife."

Jisung nodded and pulled his knife out, fumbling with it for a moment, nearly dropping it, then passing it to Jeno. The older held the knife firmly in his grasp, pointing it in direction of where Chenle said the vent was located. "Chenle keep your hands off, I'm going to try tear the wall."

Chenle nodded though they both couldn't see him, taking his hands away and crawling back slightly. He had his back pressed to one side of the vents walls, too afraid to leave his back facing an open space. He didn't like being trapped in here alone, not the slightest. "I've moved my hands, you can try now."

Jeno pulled the knife back then plunged it into the wall, the knife not making even the slightest mark. The raven haired male furrowed his brows and tried once more, using more force this time. Still to no avail. 

"It's not going through."

"Let me try," Jisung stepped forward, taking the knife from Jeno. He crouched down and pressed the knife harshly against the wall, trying his best to make even a tiny mark but it was useless. "There has to be a way," Jisung said, clenching his teeth. They needed to get Chenle out. "Lele you have your knife, right? Try it from your side."

"Okay," the boy took his knife out of his pocket and slid it through one of the thin holes, trying his best to cut downwards and upwards but it wouldn't budge. "Nothing," he answered in a dull tone. Chenle wanted to curl up into a ball and sob, was it his time to go? Were Jaemin and Renjun already dead? Was it now his turn? This is where he wished he'd gone along with Jisung.

"J-Jisung," the boy whispered, tears welling up in his eyes. "Please.. Help me. I'm scared," Chenles voice was fragile, close to breaking completely. He was scared thinking about death, he didn't want it to come so soon. He still has a whole life to live, he can't lose everything now after he's worked so hard.

"Chenle we're going to get you out, don't worry," Jisungs voice was panicked, Chenle could tell he didn't know what to do. Chenle didn't know anything either. "Jeno," Jisung spoke up. "Go find Mark and Donghyuck and bring them here, inform them of our current situation," the youngest said while passing Jenos knife back to him.

The older nodded and gave Jisung one last glance. "You'll be alright here with Chenle?"

"I'll be fine, go."


"Mark I'm going to kick some monster asses, watch me," Donghyuck said with a smirk, confidence lacing in his tone. Twirling his knife in between two fingers.

"You're going to lose a finger soon if you don't quit doing that," Mark said, looking at the knife that was only narrowly missing Donghyucks finger each time.

"Pfft, no I won't," Donghyuck was now walking ahead of Mark, skipping up the stairs to the third floor. He was pumped, he was ready, he was-


Upon hearing Donghyucks scream after the golden skinned male turned a corner at the top of the stairs, Mark quickly grabbed his knife from out of his belt and ran up the stairs as fast as he could. "I'M HERE-"

Though, Mark froze after seeing the other standing with absolutely no scratches at all, letting out a loud laugh. "Mark, you really do care about me~" Donghyuck said, a grin etching his lips upwards. "I care about you too, Marker.."

"Seriously. If I was a less of a decent person I'd throw your ass down the stairs and punch the lights out of you," Mark said in an all-serious tone. The younger scared the shit out of him. "And that doesn't mean I care for you, of course I'd save you. We're in this together man."

Donghyuck scoffed. "Did I just get man-zoned? Sheesh." Just as the younger was about to turn and continue exploring rooms, the thing that Mark had said first came to him. "You don't care about me? Well I don't care about you either!"

"That isn't what I meant, I do care," Mark said, walking towards the boy. Having had enough of his shit.

"Noo, Marker doesn't care about me," Donghyuck sarcastically whined, dragging his feet across the ground. "Marker-"

Donghyuck was stopped when Mark grabbed his shoulders and pressed his lips against his own. The kiss lasted a couple seconds before Mark pulled away, walking ahead of Donghyuck like nothing happened while the younger was having a difficult time staying on his feet. What was that for?

"Mark, why the fuck did you just kiss me?"

"That's what people who care about each other do, right?" Mark replied. His back was facing Donghyuck but he had a smirk on his face. Knowing he had a chance of dying tonight, he decided to kiss the pretty sun-kissed male at least once.

The dazed male didn't reply. Instead, he quickly hurried after Mark, not knowing what to say. The two of them honestly didn't know each other too well but when they met he felt like they instantly clicked, they got along well. He didn't expect the kiss though..

But, he isn't complaining. A little kiss before deaths door opens isn't too bad after all.


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