The escape

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Few days later and its midnight.

Cher prepares for her escape, her 3.rd escape. She tries to escape from her boyfriend but always she catch from Lucas again. Again and again with horrible punishments. That's why she drives really far far away and calls then Paulette downstairs in the livingroom. Lucas is sleeping but nevertheless she is whispering.

"Paulette? Oh are there...uhm..can I sleep in a room from your house? What? You.. you...are in vacation? When you are back? Okay...okay good...then..uhm...I go to a the near from your house. Thank you...bye."

She hangs up and looks around again because of Lucas. She wears a black hoddie and makes the hood over her head. Then she takes her suitcase to walk out to a car where is already waiting her bodyguard. Cher makes her suitcase in the car and sits then next to her bodyguard. Cher is don't talk a word and she looks down, makes a deep breath and plays with her fingers on her lap. That's why asks bodyguard:

"Where do you want go? Without Lucas?"

His hands are already on the steering wheel and looks to her.
After a while looks Cher looks still down.

"Please don't tell that Lucas where I am...please...uhm..." she should think if she should tell the truth to him "I'll tell you that in the hotel..."

then she talk him which hotel she wants. How Cher told that to him and the sound from her voice makes him thoughts. Something is wrong for him. But he waits what Cher is telling him in the hotel. After a while they drive then really far far away from their house. Cher sleeps the whole drive and can rest finally a bit without she is afraid that Lucas do something on her. Finally they are at the hotel. Cher go out and looks to him

"Park here...I...uhm...I check here in."

Then she makes her sunglasses on her nose. the whole drive looks Cher not to him.
Then she walks in to the reception and the man in front of the reception looks a bit shocked as he see Chers bloody mouth. Then says Cher with a trembling voice:

"Uhm...I'm and my boyfriend had..." she swallows deep down "just a fight...I don't have my money here...I.. I.. promise that I pay you that later but please I want a room...please..."

The man says then immediately:

"No don't have are welcome here..."

Then he gives her the key and Cher smiles short and then comes from behind her bodyguard. Her bodyguard takes her suitcase and walks then up to the room. Cher sits immediately down on the bed. Cher says to him:

"Can you come please?"

Her bodyguard is coming. Immediately he sees the blood on her mouth but he says nothing about that. As Cher makes her sunglasses away .she starts to cry and he looks shocked to her. Around her one eye is a blue spot and on her mouth is blood. Her cheek is wound because of the hits from Lucas.

"What happens Cher? Did someone beat you?"

Cher cries more. The bodyguard sits next to her and looks to her. For a while she is silent but then she answers:

"Its..its..Lucas...he.." she looks to him and her bodyguard lies carefully his index finger on her chin. Chers face is trembling because she is afraid that he hurts her. But she knows that her bodyguard would never do that

"he...hit me..and..." she whimpers a bit and swallows short down "and he raped a punishment and this since 4 months after when we go together."

Her bodyguard stands up and takes a handkerchief with water and makes her wound clean. Cher is a bit afraid but she let him do that. He asks her worried:

"My God...why do you don't tell me that? For me seems that you looks so happy with him." He cleans continue her wounds and Cher answers:

"He..he..forbid me to tell that...when I tell that to other people then he make a bigger punishment than before. And..and..I was so afraid.." she cries again. "And..I tries to escape now.."

Her bodyguard sighs deep and shakes his head

"Cher...we must report that...really.."

Cher lies her hand on his arm and shakes immediately her head

"Nooo nooo" she cries panicked and tears will more on her cheek because of panic

Her bodyguard sighs and throws the handkerchief in the rubbish and looks back to her

"Listen...I don't tell that to anyone or the police. But I'm here for you..when you want I sleep here on the sofa and at day I walk around the hotel and pay attention...okay?"

Cher looks to him afraid and with her sleeves she tries to make her tears away. Then she nods only.

Her bodyguard smiles short and walks to the door

"I bring you a glass water okay?"

Cher nods and he go out to pay a glass water. Cher falls on the bed and she just think what she should do now. But more she thinks about an one person. Robert Camiletti...

Cher and Robert Camilletti - a sad new chance in their loveWhere stories live. Discover now