a big celebrity party

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One day later is in a big hall a big celebrity party and Cher wears a black dress. Rob is already in party clothes and he sits on the bed to waiting for her. Cher is coming and says then:

"So...we can go...I hope this dress is perfect."

She smiles. Rob looks to her and smiles

"Its perfect on you...really..."

he holds her hand and walks then out. Already waits Chers bodyguard in front of the car and let them both in and drives then to the hall. As they are in go Cher with Rob in and immediately sees Cher Meryl Streep

"Meryl!!! Huuuuh! Meryl!"

Meryl looks to her and smiles

"Oh my God Cherilyn!!"

She runs to her and hugs her and gives her cheek kisses

"I'm so glad you're here sweety."

Then she looks to Rob

"ohh..Rob is here? Uhm?"

Cher laughs

"Meryl...I'll explain you that at the table."

She smiles and walks with Meryl to the table and sits down. Next to her sits Rob and they still hold hands. Meryl asks her:

"What about your...uhm..boyfriend..Lucas?

Cher sighs:

"I escape from him..and he is away..for the time being. I usually drive to my best friend Pauly but she is at vacation. And til she is back I live in a hotel."

Meryl sighs and strokes over her arm

"God...I hope so much that you can divorce from him. And..what about Rob?"

Cher smiles to Rob and kisses him short. Meryl raises her eyebrow and says then:

"uhhmmm...okay...I see you..uhm."

Cher laughs and answers her then:

"I gave him a second chance...he promised me that he never do violence again."

Meryl smiles

"I hope so for you. Because I know that he makes you happy."

Cher smiles and strokes over his hand and suddenly comes Jane Fonda and sees Cher

"Heyyyy beautiful friends"

she smiles

Cher looks to her

"Jane! Heyyy!"

Jane Fonda sits next to them and asks:

"Everything okay at you girls? What about your boyfriend Cher?"

Cher explain her what she already to Meryl said and Jane nods

"Good...Cher..you know that...if you need help. Then call me...I'm there for you. And I think Meryl too, I am right?"

Meryl nods

"Sure I'll do"

she smiles. Cher nods

"Thank you girls..."

A few moments later sings Cher at the little stage and Rob is really proud of her. Cher is dancing meanwhile from her song "what about the moonlight." At she sings that end, everybody are clapping and Rob too. Cher sits back next to Rob and he whispers in her ear:

"You was amazing." He smiles "my superstar."

Cher smiles and strokes over his cheek

"Thank you. I love it how you look at me. Like a man in fire because you loves my performance. But...do you mean maybe a other thing?"

She smiles romantically and Rob asks:

"You want that? Now?" He smiles.

Cher answers:

"I want.."

Both are waiting til the next performance is over and walks then into the toilet. Rob sits at the toilet and Cher close the toilet cabine. She wears out her slip and smiles to Rob. Immediately he slides his trouser and slip down and sits on him. Her hand is is lieing on his neck and his hands lieing on her waists. Then they beginn to move and tries to not to moan loud. Chers mouth is open and clings her hands in his neck. Rob enjoys that so much and suddenly walks a person in the bathroom and Rob lies his hand on Chers mouth and they nevertheless move. Cher get her orgasm and wants moan really mouth but Rob prevents her sound. Chers eyes are closing and her full body is stretching. As the person go out, makes Cher a short sound and lies her head on his shoulder. Her skin is a bit sweaty and looks then a bit smiling to Robert. Rob smiles too and both laughs and kisses then passionately. As the party it over go Cher and Rob out and they talk a bit with Meryl about the party and the singers. After that they drive back to the hotel and both sleeping exhausted in the bed...

Cher and Robert Camilletti - a sad new chance in their loveWhere stories live. Discover now