a sad turning point

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Cher and Rob preparing for a day in the city. Cher wants immediately shopping some things. Rob walks with Cher out

"And? Do you think already what you want buy?"

Cher smiles to him

"Hmm..I don't know...maybe a dress..or shoes."

Both are sitting in the car and Rob says:

"Hmmm you can choose what you want..."

he smiles and Cher too, gives him a short kiss .As they are in the city, Cher go to many shops and try various clothes. Dresses, shoes, T - shirts. Everything. At the end they walking back to the car. At moment they walking under a bridge and Cher sees suddenly Lucas in front of them few meters. She hides behind Rob and Rob looks to her

"hey...what's going on?"

Cher says quiet:

"There is Lucas...Rob please...let's go away from here..please."

She shows to him and her index finger is terrible trembling.Rob looks to him and Lucas comes closer to them

"I knew it! You have a new one...come back to me otherwise happens something with you!"

He tries to catch Cher and Rob saves her

"Who are you huh??? Screams Rob "that you must everyday hit her! She loves me now and I want that you let her silence! You are a monster to you know that?"

Lucas laughs

"No I will not...and thank you for the compliment. Cher come back now!!!"

He takes her arm and Rob shoves him away and pushes him against the bridge wall. Then he pushes his hands against the wall. Cher is screaming:

"Rob!! Stop!! Please!!!"

She is afraid that something happens to him.Rob looks to Cher

"I make this honey!" He looks back to Lucas "now listen to me! You let her in silence now. I want that you go away from her!!" otherwise we call the police and then you can live the rest of your life in jail."

He takes his collar and walks then away with him, far far away from Cher. Then he let the collar and Rob walks back to her. Lucas looks to him mad as he is away from her

"I'll beat you...you'll see that."

Rob laughs

"no you don't...believe me..and now go away."

Then he walks back to Cher and lies his hand on her shoulder

"everything okay with you?"

Cher looks to him and hugs him

"I was so afraid..."

Rob strokes over her back

"Hey...I'm okay...but I'm glad that you are fine."

Cher sighs

"I want go home..."

Rob nods and both are go back to Paulys home.
Few weeks later they are in the city again and Lucas is coming again. But then happens something really horrible. Unfortunately must Rob to the hospital because Lucas beat him really much. Cher is waiting in the hospital til the doctor allowed her to go to the room. Pauly is with her and sits next to her in the waitingroom. Pauly have her arm around her and tries to calm down. Cher cries and is just worried. Pauly says:

"Believe me Cherilyn..everything will be okay. He'll be fine in few days. I'm sure about it."

Cher cries continue

Cher and Robert Camilletti - a sad new chance in their loveWhere stories live. Discover now