finally your here

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Mackenzie's P.O.V

Skylar: mom how much longer until we get to meet our new sibling

Billie: it takes awhile to have a baby bub

She said laughing and Skylar groaned and sat down.

Mackenzie: do you have a name mom

Billie: yup one for a girl and one for a boy

Skylar: the name for a boy should be either "Tyson" or "Zane"

Mackenzie: and for a girl "Alexis" or "kalena"

Billie: those are some good names but I would choose "Zane" for a boy and "Alexis" for a girl

There was a knock on the door and finneas claudia Maggie and Patrick came in the room.

Finneas: hey bils how are you feeling

Billie: well I'm about to push a baby out of my vagina in a couple hours so I guess I'm good

Finneas laughed and hugged her and then me and Skylar.

Maggie: my beautiful girls how are you

Mackenzie: I'm good Skylar over here is excited to meet the baby

Skylar: new sibling means I have another person to annoy

I playfully rolled my eyes and grandma laughed.

Claudia: don't worry the baby will be here soon

Skylar: that's what everyone been saying

Finneas: look I bought my playstation we connect it to the tv

Mackenzie: awesome let's do it

He nodded and finneas set the playstation to the tv while mom talked to grandma and grandpa claudia.

Four hours later

Billie's P.O.V

These contractions are just getting worse by the minute.

Claudia: you okay Billie

Billie: no my contractions are getting worse

Maggie: oh no are the five minutes apart

Billie: yes mom please get the doctor

She nodded and called the doctor and minutes later the doctor came.

Doctor: I'm gonna check how many centimeters you are

I nodded and lifted my hospital gown up so the doctor can check.

Doctor: you are actually to push I'll get the nurses and the supplies

The doctor said and Skylar jumped in excitement.

Skylar: yessssss finally

I laughed and the nurses and doctors come in the room.

Maggie: finneas take the girls outside to the waiting room

Finneas: alright come on girls

Skylar: wait I wanna see my sibling

Billie: you will bubba you gotta wait okay

I said and kissed her head and she nodded sadly and left with finneas and Mackenzie.

Nurse: okay remember to take deep breaths and stop when you feel like it's to much

Billie: okay

My dad held my hand and i started pushing.

Two hours

Doctor: one more big push there's the head

I squeezed my eyes shut and pushed one more time and heard cries.

Doctor: it's a girl

Patrick: she's here honey

I opened my eyes and saw my baby getting wiped off and wrapped in a blanket.

A nurse hands me my baby and I started crying tears of joy.

Billie: hi baby

She was so beautiful and small.

Doctor: miss o'Connell do you have a name

Billie: Alexis Marie pirate baird o'Connell

Doctor: okay here is your birth certificate

She sets it on the table and mom let the girls inside.

Skylar: finally

Mackenzie: it's a girl

Billie: you wanna hold her

Skylar: yesssss please

I laughed and Skylar and Mackenzie sat down on the bed next to me and held the baby.

Mackenzie: she's so small

Maggie: now you have three girls bils

Billie: I'm happy with that

I said and layed down in my bed and closed my eyes.

Who knew pushing a human out of your vagina could be so tiring.

Finneas: go ahead and sleep Billie we'll watch the kids

I didn't even respond because I fell asleep.

I didn't even respond because I fell asleep

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Alexis Marie pairte Baird o'Connell

A/n try not to abuse your power 😌

Words 623

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