Chapter 6

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As we were walking towards Orchard 1 there were tons of beautiful flowers and birds. At times like these I wished that I had a camera and photography skills. The path that we were following was worn with months and years of people walking on it, wearing away at the dirt. The birds were singing and flying around the orchard as people climbed into trees to pick apples. Everything looked like a beautiful postcard.


As I was walking I didn’t pay attention to where I was going and bumped into a tall guy with adorable hazel eyes hidden beneath a pair of black-framed glasses.

“Sorry,” I said, apologizing for my carelessness, ”I didn’t see you there.”

“That’s okay,” he smiled, “My name’s Jason. I assume you’re new here. Hey Tori,” He nodded curtly to Tori, who gave him a closed mouth smile.

“I’m Sophie. What Orchard do you work in?” I asked, hoping that he worked in Orchard 1.

“One,” he replied, and I could feel the excitement bubbling up inside me, “Tori, I can show her what she needs to do at this point.”

“Are you sure… you aren’t the best person at showing people what to do,” Tori said, teasing him.

“I’m sure,” he responded smiling. Tori smiled knowingly and turned on her heel to leave, heading back towards the big house to see what Ms.Mayberry needed.

“So let’s see… I was on my way to get the watering hose when you bumped into me. So I guess we just need to water a few of the trees over in that section,” he gestured to a section on my left, “and then we’ll be finished.” I nodded.

He headed over to a small building that happened to have a hose attached to the wall. He grabbed it and tugged it across the grass, heading over to the section previously mentioned. All of the sudden the hose came off of the wall and water came streaming out all over Jason. I just stood there laughing my head off, nearly falling on the ground. The force of the water caused Jason to fall on the ground and created a giant mud puddle.

“Can you help me get up?” he called, “I’m kinda stuck.” Of course I said yes and walked over there to help him stand up. He extended his hand out to me and when I grabbed it he pulled me down onto the ground into the mud puddle that he created.

“You little turd!” I yelled as soon as he pulled me down. He laughed, and I fake-pouted. I was covered in dirty, brown mud, but I didn’t care.

“Aunt May is gonna kill us,” Jason said with a worried expression on his face.

“Why do you call Ms.Mayberry Aunt May too?” I asked hoping to get an answer.

“Its a long story that you can hear on the way to dinner. We just have to water the trees,” he replied

After we watered the trees we walked to dinner together while Jason told me his life story.

“When I was about seven, my parents died and I was orphaned. Aunt May owned the orphanage at that time and took excellent care of me. Unfortunately, the orphanage was closed down due to city budget cuts and she adopted me. I never killed someone or anything like that but I did rob a store. I was at a Summer camp and I thought that I covered my tracks well, but a few months later the cops found me and instead of sending me to jail Aunt May turned her old family farm into a camp for ‘troubled teens’,” as he said troubled teens he gestured quotation marks with his hands. When he asked me what my life story was I could feel my face flush, hopefully he didn’t see it.

“Well, mine’s pretty simple... When I was younger my parents abandoned me and so I lived in an orphanage, then from foster home to foster home, and when everyone got tired of me I ended up on the streets. I never really had a good education, so I can’t read very well, much less write. I was running away from a gas station, a few months ago and met my friend, Brooke, in an alley and ever since we have been robbing stores to live. On our last heist we were going to attempt to steal some jewels and then sell them and live off that, but I kinda forgot to check the alarm system and triggered the alarm. Before I knew it the police were there to take us to jail,” when I finished I felt as if a weight had been lifted off my chest.

We walked along the main dirt road in silence, but it wasn’t awkward. It was peaceful. We arrived at my cabin an hour before dinner to ensure that we would have time to get ready for dinner.

“Well I guess this is goodbye until dinner,” Jason said breaking the silence, “Generally I sit at table seven, you can come and sit with me if you would like to. Oh yea, and dinner is served at 6:30, but it’s best to get there earlier, like 6ish.”

“Okay, see you then. Is it cool if Brooke eats with us too? Although, she might eat with Kael,” I said, hoping that there was excitement in my voice

“That’s fine. I would say that Kael could eat with us too but, we're not really agreeing at the moment,,”Jason replied


“Well let’s just say that we can’t stand each other.” And with that we bid our goodbyes and I walked into cabin 8-G and got ready for dinner.


Hey ya'll!! As you can probably tell, a new charcater was introduced. The name was Brooke's idea. Sorry is the ending of the chapter was kinda bland, i was running out of ideas. Hope ya'll liked it!

Until next time, Sophie ><>

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