ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ

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21 August 2007
Approximately 2:38 P.M.
Kanagawa Prefecture, Tokyo, Japan

"Could you please state your name and date of birth?"

The clock ticked in the eerily silent room, bouncing off the concrete walls. A small rattling filled the air as you shifted, the chain linked to your cuffs moving with you. The man beside you leaned forward, folding his hands in front of him. The chair creaked as he did, making you silently roll your eyes at his obnoxiously loud movements.

"How many times will we have to do this? This is the third time."

The second man, much younger than the one beside you, leaned back, lifting his chair onto the two legs in the back. "Those were for your little band of sorcerers. This is for the Tokyo Police. Now, state your name and date of birth, please."

The words you mumbled were quiet. Apparently too quiet. The man across from you tapped the table, pointing to the voice recorder that flashed red on the metal surface.

"Sorry, hun, you're gonna have to speak up."

"L/n Y/n," You huffed. "I was born on (Day, Month), 1990. I'm seventeen."

"Alright, L/n. Were you born in Tokyo?"


"Where were you born?"


"Nikko? That's what...a two-hour train ride? That's a pretty rural area. What brought you to Tokyo?"


The man beside you glanced at your bored expression and spoke up. "How does this relate to my client's business here?"

The man chuckled, adjusting the chain around his neck that held his badge. "Apologies. I was just making small talk. Trying to get to know Miss L/n's background,"

"It's irrelevant,"

The man's face slowly dropped. He cleared his throat. "Right. Sorry. I'm Detective Suko Kin," He brushed off his shirt. "Do you know why you're here, Miss L/n?"

"Why wouldn't I? I've heard it thirteen times now," You replied, voice laced with boredom.

"You'll have to excuse my client. We've been through this many times, you see," The man said, placing his hand on the table in front of you.

"Mr. Nishida, I apologize, but the accounts must be restated for recording purposes," Suko said. The man sighed, waving his hand dismissively.

"Right. So....here you are. L/n Y/n, seventeen years old, and a second year at...Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical College then transferred to Kanagawa High School mid-way through your second year. Moved from Nikko to Tokyo when you were fifteen...Mother is a gardener and owns the flower shop on Sakura street...Father is a...oh...your father is a police officer?"

He met your e/c eyes as you looked up. "Was."

"O-Oh, um, yes t-that's correct," Suko looked back down at the file he read from. "You have...had...a younger sister, Aiko, who attended the local elementary school. Your record was clean, good grades throughout school, never in trouble with the law...so...why now?"

You didn't reply. The gash in your forehead stung and throbbed with each passing second, but you said nor did anything to voice or show it. You just pulled one foot onto the uncomfortable metal chair, hooking your chained hands around your knee, and turned your head towards the barred windows. The men could see your busted lip, and the bruising around your eye but looked away before they were caught staring.

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