ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ-sᴇᴠᴇɴ

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15 April 2006
Approximately 2:56 P.M.
Kanagawa Prefecture
Tokyo, Japan

warning(s): nsfw (not fully, and before any of you come after me, legal age of consent in Japan is 13 {Yes i know, nasty}, but we're gonna go with 16)

“He’s such a fuckin’ asshole,”

Geto grumbled into your stomach. You were laying on your bed in your dorm, Geto laying on your chest, arms hooked under your thighs. You were reading a book, flipping through the pages as you listened to him complain about his friend.

“Well, you’re both assholes, so you balance each other out,” You replied. He lifted his head.

“What does that mean?”

You peered down at him. “Exactly what I said? You can be an asshole too, you know.”

Geto sat up, snatching the book from your hands. “Y/n, did you not hear what he was saying? Everything that can from his mouth was just him being a dick. And it was like you said, even what happened in Nikko--”

“You let the past bother you too much,” You said, pressing your lips against his to silence him. “You just need to let bygones be bygones and forget about it. Besides, you have more important things to be worrying about. Like that girl, the Star Plasma Vessel. You should be focusing on getting her.”

“We’ll deal with that tomorrow,” He said, grabbing your hips. “I’m just focused on you right now.”

“Really? Sounds like you’re more interested in bitching about Cat-eyes,” You hummed.

“Why are you in such a bad mood? Are you on your period or something?” He asked, raising a brow.

“If you ever ask me that again, I’ll kick you in the balls,” You said, frowning. “And I’m not in a bad mood.”

“Yes, you are. You’re being mouthy,” He said.

“So?” You scoffed. He looked down at you before sitting on your hips, pinning you to your bed.

“You’re not moving until I get a real answer,” He stated. “And don’t worry, sweetheart. I have all day.”

“You’re such a fucking pest!” You huffed, throwing your arms to the side. Geto ran his fingers along your stomach, making goosebumps appear as you shuddered.

“Spill it, Sunshine. What put you in such a bad mood?” He asked, cocking his head to the side. “And don’t say it’s nothing. I’ve known you for almost three years, and have dated you for eight months.”

“I really, really hate you. Does it show?” You asked.

“Every day,” He hummed, making you roll your eyes.

“Fine. I went to my parent’s house earlier.”

Geto quirked a brow. So that’s what put you in such a sour mood.

After what happened in Kobe, your mother and you got into the biggest fight you’d had so far. She refused to enroll you back into Jujustu High and refused to accept that you were dating a sorcerer. She was going to send you to a boarding school in North Korea, and that’s when you lost it. You blew up on her, letting all your pent-up frustration snap then. And then she gave you a choice:

You could return back to Jujutsu High, and have your ‘stupid little devil boyfriend’, and in retaliation, you’d leave your clan. Your father was so quick to snap back at her, telling her there was no way in hell he’d let her do that to you.

But you already agreed. So in response to returning to the school, you were exiled from your clan. All your things were on the side of the street when you came back, and Geto was the one to help you move into the dorms. Your mother hated you for choosing the school rather than them.

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