ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɴɪɴᴇᴛᴇᴇɴ

14.9K 828 870

25 November 2005
Approximately 11:01 A.M.
Fukaura, Japan

“I-I know, Chichi, and I’m sorry but I can’t tell you where I am,” You sighed. Your father’s voice was distressed, and he did nothing to try and hide it either.

Suddenly, you disappear without a trace, the school calls us, we’re making a missing person’s report, Aiko is crying for you, and now you call and tell me you can’t tell me? You have a lot of fucking explaining to do, Y/n.”

“I know, Chichi, and I promise, I will,” You said. “J-just...not now. I’m not the safest right now, so disclosing anything about my current location could risk my life and everyone’s lives around me. I’m sorry but, I won’t risk that.”

Your father was quiet for a moment. You could hear him shuffling in the background. “Just...tell me this: are you safe with the people you are with?”

“Yeah,” You said, glancing at Geto, who was laying on the bed, sound asleep. “Yeah, I’m safe for now.”

Promise, that you’ll come back to us--to me--alive, pumpkin. I don’t want anything to happen to you, and I don’t think I could live with myself if you were to..d--”

“You don’t have to worry about that, Chichi,” You chuckled. “I’ll come home safe and sound. You have my word.”

You heard him release a soft sigh. “Alright.”

“I have to go now, Chichi. I love you. This will be over soon.”

“I can only hope. I love you too.”

The soft click rose in your ears as the line disconnected, and you replaced the phone back onto the dresser. You heard Geto shift in the bed and turned to look at him as he rolled over to face you. He had dark circles under his eyes, and the onyx orbs were red-rimmed from his lack of sleep.

“Have you not been sleeping lately, Sugar?” You asked, walking towards the bed. He shook his head, rubbing a hand over his face. “Why not?”

“I dunno,” He said, voice grainy and tired. “Every time I fall asleep, it’s never for longer than ten minutes. It’s so aggravating.”

You held a finger up as to tell him to wait, before walking into the bathroom. A moment later, you returned with a damp cloth. “My father used to do this when I couldn’t sleep. Do you want to try it?”

“Be my guest,” He murmured, sitting up. You slipped into the bed with him, a pink tint hidden in your cheeks.

“Lay your head down on my lap,”

“...w-what?” You saw the color rise to Geto’s cheeks, and blushed too.

“D-Don’t make it weird, idiot. Just put your head in my lap,” You huffed.

Geto looked at you for a second before giving in with a sigh. He did as you told him, laying his head on your thighs with warm cheeks. He gasped at the feeling of the warm cloth on the back of his neck, looking up at you through his lashes.

“Chichi used to do this when I would have nightmares,” You said, brushing your hand through his long hair, gently detangling it with your fingers. He hummed softly with appreciation.

He sat up, making you look at him with confusion before he was grabbing your thighs. Your eyes widened, a yelp passing over your lips as he pulled you down from your sitting position, into a laying position. Then, he crawled between your parted legs, resting his head on your stomach. Your face was hot, cheeks flared with warmth as he closed his eyes, a grin lingering on his lips.

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