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FULL NAME: Anastasia Tomazin

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FULL NAME: Anastasia Tomazin


AGE: 25

GRISHA ORDER AND SUBTYPE: Coporalki; Heartrender

GENDER & PRONOUNS: Feminine nonbinary, she/they


FACECLAIM: Celina Sinden

BIRTHPLACE & DATE: Northern Ravka

PERSONALITY: Anastasia has been very outspoken since childhood, a trait that she still holds to this day. She is not afraid to speak her mind and say what she truly thinks, no matter the consequences. This has the tendency to get Anastasia into trouble, though she knows well enough to keep some of her thoughts to herself. Anya's self-preservation instinct is put to good use, let's just put it that way. And Anastasia does have a very strong survival instinct. Raised knowing she was destined for the life of a wife, Anya was overjoyed when her Grisha abilities were discovered, and since has taken all precaution to protect herself. She knows she has to. Because Anya is far from stupid—in fact, she's quite intelligent. Anya's intelligence is less book-smarts, however, and more emotional, relational intelligence that gets downplayed by many. Anastasia is emotionally aware, of herself and in terms of relating to the people around her. Despite her outspoken, somewhat sharp-tongued ways, Anya's easy to become friends with due to this. And she's incredibly loyal, too, often to a fault. She'll stand for those she believes in until death if she has to, unless they do something utterly drastic to loose her trust.

STRENGTHS: Intelligent, outspoken, sensitive to the feelings of others, loyal, beautiful and knows it, bold, a very good dresser.

WEAKNESSES: Knowing when to shut up, a tad antagonistic, often self-centered, tends to get herself in trouble, stubborn, cannot cook or sew.

SKILL IN SMALL SCIENCE: She's quite skilled, considering her age, and takes pride in her skill. She's by no means the best, but better than most.

BACKSTORY: Anastasia was born the third child to a well-off family of Ravkan nobility. She spent the first ten years of her life raised in a haze of wealth and status, playing with her older sister and brother. As her brother was set to inherit the family's lands and titles, Anastasia realized fairly early on that, like her mother before her, her main purpose was to marry well and bring further riches to the family—and, if her parents could finagle it, connections to the palace in Os Alta. However, Anastasia also knew from a young age that she was worth more than that. What her parents thought of her was not who she was, and when she was ten and the Grisha testers came to her family's estate to test her, Anastasia stepped forward proudly. And, to the surprise of everyone but herself, Anastasia was indeed found to be Grisha, a Heartrender. She was taken instantly to the Little Palace, where she began her training. It wasn't until she was sixteen that Anya learned the truth. Until then, she'd been like any other young Grisha: learning her abilities, training, and looking to General Kirigan with awe and wonder. But at the age of sixteen, Anya expressed annoyance and disdain at the fact that Kirigan kept to himself so much, at how no one seemed to actually know him. And that's when Baghra told her everything. Since then, Anya's been loyal to Baghra, helping her prepare for the moment they have to make their move and expose Kirigan's true nature—and maybe save the world, too.

FAMILY: Aliona Tomazin, mother, 60, alive.
Ira Tomazin, father, 58, alive.
Dimitri Tomazin, brother, 30, alive.
Izolda Tomazin, sister, 27, alive.



THEME SONG: Let It Burn by Red

AESTHETIC: Red, heartbeats, fancy gowns, wavy golden hair, sharp smiles, green eyes, palaces, gilded staircases, red lipstick.

QUOTES: "Well that can't be fun." "I can stop your heart in a moment, want to see?" "I was born for greatness."

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