Is that seriously your password?

912 24 7

Prompt: "Is that seriously your password?"


"Hey FRIDAY? Who all from the team is in the compound?" Y/N shouted from Tony's lab where she was working on a new piece of equipment for her uniform.

"Everyone is out either on a mission or off the compound premises for personal business," the AI responded. "However, Sergeant Barnes is in the living room reading."

"He works. Can you ask him to come down here?" she continued, never breaking her concentration from the screen she was typing away on.

"Of course," FRIDAY responded before going quiet for a minute and speaking back up. "He seemed rather confused by the request, but he's on his way."

"Always paranoid that one," Y/N mumbled before shouting a thank you and going back to typing a storm.

A few minutes later, Bucky cautiously peaked through the glass doors to the lab and saw Y/N completely entranced in whatever she was working on in front of her. She was typing and scanning the screen quickly and then immediately turning to a notebook beside her to write whatever it was down.

"Why are you calling me down here out of all people?" he asked almost concerned.

"Because everyone else is either fighting bad guys or off away from the compound doing their own thing," she responded, finally breaking away from her work upon hearing his voice.

"Oh," he nodded before looking around and hesitantly coming in more.

He didn't care to come down to Stark's personal man cave much. Tony still threw sarcastic insults and passive jokes at him every once in a while even though they had made up and moved on.

But it was Tony. He was kinda that way with everyone. Either way, they only really crossed paths if they absolutely needed too.

"Here, come here for a second," she waved him over, pushing back her chair as she stood up and stretched some.

Bucky listened even though his face showed he was confused and hesitant about it all. It wasn't Y/N either. They were actually good friends after all the missions, team dinners, and movie nights of getting to know each other.

They shared a lot in common.

She was an old soul for a pretty young member of the crew and Bucky admired that. Because of her mannerisms and interest, they got along rather quick. It made it easy for them to click quickly.

"What are you doing?" he asked when he saw her raise her hands and projections of pieces of her suit for missions popped up in pieces in the air with what looked like notes and statistics floating around them.

The blueprints for it all lit up in front of them without a screen to stay on. He may never get used to the advancement of technology because anytime he saw something new, something crazier would pop up soon after.

"I came up with some new little tricks for my suit. It's not not a bad outfit, but there's always something new that can be better and improved," she shrugged, moving the pieces around in the air with her fingers.

Oh yeah, and next to Tony and Banner, the woman could maneuver through almost any form of technology as if it was as easy as learning how to count to 10 on your fingers.

"I only have the metal on the bottom of my boots, and it's worked for this long. But, I feel like there's ways I can discreetly add more throughout the suit without weighing it down, making it easier to maneuver when I'm airborne."

Another note to know, Y/N was an enhanced. She had the ability to bend and manipulate any form of metal.

So the metal that Tony had built into her shoes made it to where she could lift herself off ground level and fly.

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